Sweet Tater & Chorizo Hand Tarts

Mar 28, 2012 20:41

This sweet tater and chorizo filling is so scrumptious, I want to incorporate it into every dinner! In this recipe, I stuffed pie pastry and crescent roll dough with it to make plump, cheesy, Tex-Mexy hand tarts. They're spicy, creamy, flaky, with a touch of natural sweetness from the roasted sweet potatoes. A plate of these with some sour cream, ( Read more... )

legume: black beans, dairy: cheese, meat: sausage, cuisine: mexican, vegetable: sweet potato

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syntheticjesso March 29 2012, 01:51:32 UTC
I had to click to read about the Myers-Briggs type stuff. I'm an INFP, but I can "play" at being organized and scheduled when I need to. It definitely doesn't feel natural to me, but it gets the job done and then I can get back to my lovely procrastinatey flexible ways :)

In other news, these look amazing. I JUST went to the store today, but I think chorizo might need to go on the list for next time. Darn you and your fabulous pictures.


layers_of_eli March 29 2012, 02:08:47 UTC
:D Thank you!

I remember INFP fondly, but something just SNAPPED in me in college. LOL. Now I can barely function without a schedule. I definitely don't always use one, but you can TELL when I don't... ;)


kamaliitaru March 29 2012, 05:10:11 UTC
I never would have guessed you were introverted. Mine is INTJ, and I pretty much pegged the scale on them all...and that hasn't changed, even though my work and home personality are completely different.


layers_of_eli March 29 2012, 12:11:17 UTC
That's funny! I'm actually introverted to a fault -- I feel like blogging is kind of a valve for communication that otherwise would never get out! Mike is pretty much my only social connection (besides coworkers, who I enjoy spending time with in the work context.)

I feel kind of weird about it, but I've been reading a book (Quiet by Susan somebody... I forget) about how introverts feel this way because of the "extrovert ideal" in the world today. It's an interested read!

I can totally see you as an INTJ! That fits with your meticulous approach to cooking!


kamaliitaru March 29 2012, 18:25:29 UTC
Well, I learned something today about introverts. I actually started blogging because everyone was asking me for recipes. When I took the Myers Briggs test at work, the facilitator told me I scored a 0 on the extroverted part of the test, and he had never seen that before.

I've heard about that book, I will have to add to my reading list. I keep on thinking in horror of my 15 year old niece, who doesn't do anything without friends. I just can't imagine that. I guess I was a loner even in high school. Not surprising then, that most of my friends are pretty natural introverts as well. The type of people that play MMORPG's and don't talk to anyone while they are there...what a bunch lol.

Your sweet potato binge is really making me hungry! I've made sweet potato hash with chorizo before, so I'm sure this is fabulous...just what I need is another carb delivery system.


layers_of_eli March 30 2012, 01:56:49 UTC
LOL, we sound similar in our social setup. I was definitely a loner in school as well -- and still am to a large extent. I know what you mean about the social types that are always out and about. It sounds *so* draining and stressful to me.

Sweet potato hash sounds heavenly -- I've seen it here and there around the interwebs! I'm thinking of doing one more sweet tater dish using chorizo wherein the sweet potato becomes a little ramekin/boat for baked eggs. I'll see if I can squeeze it in tomorrow!

Thanks :)


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