White chocolate and vanilla fudge

Dec 22, 2011 15:58

Making fudge had always seemed really daunting to me, until I discovered the cheat's method, using condensed milk. So here's a really really simple recipe for white chocolate and vanilla fudge - of course you could substitute milk chocolate, or other flavours if you wanted to.

You can see the full write up here.

White chocolate and vanilla fudge

Makes around 40 large squares of fudge

300g white chocolate, broken into squares
400g tin condensed milk
25g butter
1tsp vanilla essence
100g icing sugar

In a large metal or glass mixing bowl, combine the chocolate, condensed milk, butter and vanilla essence. Rest the bowl over a large pan containing a couple of inches of boiling water, over a low heat, and stir until the mixture is smooth and glossy. Remove from the heat.

Sieve the icing sugar to prevent lumps, and stir it into the chocolate mixture.

Transfer the mixture to a medium sized baking pan lined with greaseproof paper, and leave to set in the fridge for around 2 hours or until the fudge has set.

Once set, tip the fudge upside down onto a chopping board, and peel back the greaseproof paper. Dip a large knife into a glass of hot water, and begin to chop the fudge into cubes. Continue to dip the knife between slices until the fudge is all in cubes.
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