
Aug 09, 2011 21:57

I made a not so traditional quiche today and it is DELICIOUS!

Leftover Rice
Tin of Creamed Corn
Frozen Green Beans
Chopped Onion
Dash Sweet chilli sauce
Dash of Chicken Salt
Cubed Ham
Grated Carrot
Grated Yams

I pretty much just mixed together everything together so that it was wet but not overly so from the eggs. Baked it for about an hour in a 180 oven. It tastes super good and its going to last me as a lunch for quite a number of days since I ended up using 9 eggs. I had a LOT of leftover rice. It's great for leftovers and its pastryless, so it's healthier. The amount of the ingredients can be varied depending on the amount of rice you have or the number of eggs you want to use.

vegetable: green beans, vegetable: corn, eggs, vegetables: all, vegetable: onion, meat: pork, vegetable: carrot, method: baking

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