Jul 26, 2011 20:10
We are being over run by fresh veggies! I would love any ideas you all have for preserving (canning or freezing). So far we have canned 25 qts green bean, 5 pints dilly beans, made a gallon of peach ice cream, froze 5 qts peaches, and 20 qts applesauce.
We still have tons of green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, zucchini, cabbage, peaches, and apples.
If anyone has a recipe for sauerkraut, spaghetti sauce, and anything for cucumbers that isn't pickles (we still have 10 jars from last year), I would be especially grateful.
Thanks in advance!
vegetable: green beans,
method: canning,
vegetable: squash,
vegetable: cabbage,
method: freezing,
sauce: pasta,
help: technique,
vegetable: cucumber,
vegetable: tomato