
Apr 15, 2011 16:34

I just received a bunch of kale as part of our CSA box.
I've never eaten it or cooked with it before. I'm wondering whether or not any of you have some tips or recipes that you like?
I assume you're only supposed to use the leafy parts? I'm honestly new at cooking greens like this saving for fresh spinach, and to top it off, I have a man who says he hates greens.
The only green I've ever eaten in my life are collards, and those were made the southern way with ham hocks or smoked turkey/bacon and cooked way way down to get out the bitterness.
I have a friend who swears they make good salads. so made the mistake of trying some raw, and it's really, really, bitter! Either she's mistaken, or likes the bitter--or maybe we got a bad bunch?
Since it's getting warmer, I'd prefer something a little less heavy; unlike the collards I've eaten. :-)
Any help/info/advice appreciated!

vegetables: all

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