Fish and Venison

Mar 06, 2011 18:56

Not together of course. =P

Fish: I am not a fish eater. My husband loves the stuff. I feel bad that I never make it for him, and I also want to expose our daughter (almost 21 months) to it because I know that it is has healthy fats, plus we are trying to eat better. So, I figure with Lent coming up, I can try to steer away from my usual Lenten Friday fare of mac n cheese or pancakes and try some fish. So... what are some types of fish and ways to prepare it that don't taste.... you know, fishy? We are on a super-tight budget too, so bonus points if it isn't the most expensive kind out there.

Venison: We have a crapton of it in our deep freeze that BIL gave us. It is not processed in any way, basically just cut into hunks and frozen. Now, I LOVE deer sausage, jerky, and the like, but I'm not wild about just plain ol' deer meat, it's too gamey or something. Any ideas on how to prepare that?

help: cooking meat, seafood: fish

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