Got a tagine - what do I do with it?

Jan 21, 2011 18:24

I got this for Christmas, and while it looks lovely, it didn't come with instructions, and most "tagine" recipes on the Web seem to assume that you do not in fact possess a tagine.

I gather the basic idea is long slow cooking of stew-type things with Morroccan spices, the end result to be served with couscous. Am I right?

Any recommendations of books I should get, websites I should look at...?

My first try, based on what's in the freezer, is likely to involve pork. Any suggested recipes? Neither of us like anything too spicy, and I can get any added ingredients to be found in a decent UK supermarket.

(Sorry, can't see any appropriate tags for this: please add as required)

utensils: kitchen gear

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