homemade hamburger helper

Oct 14, 2010 15:44

i am pretty obsessed with the following three flavors of hamburger helper - three cheese, italian four cheese lasagna, and italian three cheese shells.

i'm not obsessed with the fact that in order to have those pasta/hamburger flavor combos, i have to buy hamburger helper. to me, it just seems to become a little unhealthy after a while.

what i'm looking for is some homemade recipes.

i googled homemade hamburger helper and found this awesome site with some recipes, and one of the ones i am looking for, but it seems like it won't be exactly what i'm wanting.

i guess what i'm asking for is some good pasta recipes that incorporate cheese + hamburger. i don't want to straight out call in mac n cheese, because it doesn't equate to mac in cheese in my head. i feel like i am fail at explaining, but hopefully you get me.

homemade hamburger helper!

recipe: copycat, meat: beef, pasta and noodles

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