Electric Cookers

May 26, 2010 21:03

All knowing Cooking community, I turn to you for help!

I am about to move into an unfurnished rental property that comes without any white goods.  The property is without gas, (and if it were mine I'd install bottled!) So I must buy myself an electric cooker.  I've never had an electric cooker before so I have no idea what it is I need to be looking for to get a decent one.  Do you guys have any hints or tips to aid me in my decisions?  Price is a consideration so top of the range models are out but I love to cook so I'm happy to spend a little more in order to get a good piece of kit.  What are the basic things I should be looking for?

Also, how different is cooking on gas to cooking on electric?  I consider myself a good cook, is this change going to throw me off my game?

In exchange I give you a recipe for Chicken Liver Pate from my food blog, Annainthekitchen, that doesn't need a hob, oven or grill, just a microwave, which, thankfully, I already have:

Makes 4 ramekins

2 bacon rashers, chopped
225g chicken livers
1 clove garlic, crushed
150g butter
1 tbsp mixed herbs
generous pinch ground pepper
1 tbsp dry sherry
1 tbsp cream

- Put the bacon in a medium sized microwavable bowl, cover and microwave on full power for 1 minute. 
- Add the livers, garlic, 100g of the butter, the herbs and the pepper.  Microwave for 2 1/2 minutes, stir and then cook for another 2 1/2 minutes.  
-  Add the sherry and the cream, blend either in a liquidiser or with a hand blender until smooth. 
- Divide the mixture between 4 ramekins or other containers of your choice. 
- Melt the remaining 50g of butter and pour on top of each serving of pate. 
- Allow to cool completely then chill for at least 2 hours. 

utensils: kitchen gear

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