
Sep 16, 2009 15:36

Does any one have any (tried-and-true) fabulous recipes for fondue?

Husband and I love eating at the Melting Pot, but it's so pricy!
I would love to be able to duplicate the broths. I've tried before, but they usually come out a little too bland.

dairy: fondue

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I love fondue nakedmarmar September 16 2009, 21:11:39 UTC
This is the fondue my friends and I used to make when we lived in France and cheese that we consider to be fancy here in the states was cheap. It's my favorite recipe:

• 1 cup dry white wine
• 1/2 pound shredded Emmentaler (or Swiss if Emmentaler is unavailable or wildly expensive) cheese
• 1/2 pound shredded Gruyere cheese
• 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
Heat wine to a simmer. Toss shredded cheese with flour, then add to
wine, little by little, stirring constantly on low heat. When all the
cheese has melted, stir in spices.

This is a yummy "American" style cheese fondue I’ve made before:
• 1.5 bottles of beer (I used Negra Modelo)
• 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
• 1 teaspoon ground dry mustard
• 1 clove garlic, peeled and crushed
• 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
• 3 cups shredded Cheddar cheese
• 3 cups shredded pepper jack cheese (or regular jack cheese)
Heat beer mixed with Worcestershire sauce, dry mustard, and garlic
until almost boiling. Toss shredded cheese with flour, then add to
liquid, little by little, stirring constantly on low heat until all
the cheese has melted. This is also good if you kick up the heat a little.

Have fun!


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