Avocado pasta?

Jun 04, 2009 19:26

So as I got home, I was trying to think of something for dinner. I had just bought some orzo thinking to make a lemony pasta salad with it, but realized I only had one small roma tomato, not really enough to make a good pasta salad like I like it. So I started trying to think of different things I could mix in the orzo with lemon juice to make something yummy, and I remembered the avocados in the bottom of my fridge.

Instantly, I had an idea- mash up the avocados really well, as if making really smooth guacamole, add lots of lemon juice, them mix it into cooked orzo. I figured that if I was right, I would end up with a delicious, creamy, lemony, yummy concoction... but if I was wrong it had the potential to be very, very gross. I decided to try a small batch first. I used up the last of my previous bag of orzo (maybe a little more than a cup of dry pasta?), an avocado and a half (one had started turning funny colors), and lots of lemon juice.

Verdict: Delicious. I cut up my roma tomato into my bowl when I tried it, and it was practically perfect with the tomato. I think it needs a little bit of tweaking, but it's definitely a keeper. It came out nicely creamy, and wonderfully lemony, just what the doctor ordered. I waited a bit for it to cool and tried it again, and it's just as good at room temp as it was hot, and I bet it would still be very good cold. It would be very good for anyone who needs to eat soft foods, or anyone needing to use up avocados.

It just needs a little bit of tweaking, and I can't put my finger on what it needs. Anyone have any ideas?

fruit: avocado, help: idea feedback, pasta and noodles

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