Breakfast on the go!

Mar 25, 2009 08:46

Hey everyone!

I always eat my breakfast in the car on the way to work, since I leave the house at the crack of dawn. Generally, this means I warm up and take with me one of those giant poppyseed muffins from Costco. I recently learned just how unhealthy those fat-laden things are. Since I'm trying to lose weight and become more healthy, I'm looking for healthier on-to-go choices for my breakfast that I can eat in the car.

I know that I can do fruit quickly and cleanly, but I usually need something heartier first thing in the morning or I'm dragging by 9:00. I've been thinking about something like yogurt and granola, but that's difficult to eat in the car. Anyone have suggestions?

Thanks, all!

search: food-on-the-go, meal: breakfast

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