From a Zero to a Hero. 10 cent a serving, vegan repurposed food

Mar 23, 2009 08:48

o, after hearing about lentil soup being the nectar of the gods to poor people (cheap, nutritious, blah, blah, blah) I decided to give it a go. The entire cost for the pot was like $3 I think.

My first attempt rendered a super thick, super bland....sludge. It in no way resembles soup. I used about two or three times the amount of lentils that I should have,in retrospect, because I am totally unfamiliar with cooking them.

I basically have this 10lb vat of totally inedible "food" in my fridge. I'm too cheap to throw anything away, so, I experimented.

The before picture *shudder*

The recipe, serving suggestions and the after pics behind the cut

The original soup recipe went something like this:
(sauted in a large skillet)
A medium yellow onion
A couple large carrots
Salt, pepper
a couple cerano chilies

When done add two cans of diced tomato, a couple cups of veggie stock and 23840239482039 cups too many lentils. Season as desired. Cook til it resembles library paste.

This was step one of the revamp. In a bowl combine:
A couple scoops of soup sludge
a generous sprinkling of bread crumbs
Chili powder
Red Chili Flakes
Garlic Powder
Black Pepper
A shit ton of salt

Heat a pan up HOT, on high heat, and throw in a generous amount of olive oil or fat. Fry that shit til it's brown and crispy.

I dumped a ton of tobasco sauce on mine.

OMFG so good! Better then beef hash almost. I had this
-on toast, in patty form, with spicy mayo (Cajun spice mix and mayo)
-with eggs and toast
-just plain with a fork!

legume: lentil, diet: vegan, method: frying

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