adventures in tofu

Jan 11, 2006 13:27

I have a confession to make. I, the self-proclaimed healthy food adventurer, had never tried cooking with tofu. I've had tofu-burgers that came pre-packaged. I've worked with meat substitute crumbles many a time. I've eaten tofu in soups. But I've never tried to cook with it on my own.

So, on a whim fueled by the promise of more fajita seasoning to restock my dwindling supply and a sale on tofu at the store, I decided to venture into the wonderful world of tofu fajitas. I'd read enough to know that extra firm tofu would be the block of choice. Once home, I set the block wrapped in layers of paper towels between two plates and covered with the biggest cans we had in the house- pasta sauce. Every so often, I'd check the stack, changing paper towels as they were soaked through. In the meantime, I combined a heathy mix: fajita seasoning, lime zest (bow to the new microplane purchased while in Minneapolis!), lime juice, cilantro, and low-sodium chicken stock. Once the tofu was sufficiently squeezed, I sliced it into eight pieces and dropped in to the marinade.

Fast-forward a week. Hey, I have tofu in the fridge! Why not cook it up? If it's inedible, there's always the chili the rest of the house is eating. So, an abbreviated pico was made (cilantro, tomatoes, red onion, lime zest and juice, and kosher salt) while the skillet heated up. Into the skillet went a bit of oil and the bell peppers. Next came the tofu slices, ringing with the punch of lime and the sweetness of cilantro. They were browned until crispy and firm. At this point, I hesitated. It looked like chicken, except for the suspiciously perfectly square corners. It smelled like the fajitas I knew and loved from grandma's house and Sunday suppers in the common rooms in college. Would the taste the same? With images of Fear Factor in my peripheral vision, I nibbled on the smallest corner I could break off. It was... surprisingly good! Crisp on the outside, with the tang of lime and salty kick of the seasonings, and firm yet creamy on the inside. Success!

Soon, my newest adventure was on my plate, rolled up with peppers and pico and guacamole in a red lettuce leaf. One win for the kitchen stadium! Okay, no crowds cheering, no official title, and a pile of dishes to clean up as my roommate laughed at my dance of joy, but a victory for me. Today, I sit, enjoying leftovers and perusing recipes to take me down yet another path in the land of tofu. Victory is sweet, hot out of the pan or chilled the next day at the office.


So, what are your favorite tofu recipies?

tofu, meal: dinner

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