Nov 02, 2005 14:39

Over the past two weeks or so of constant, non-stop kal/runescape playing, I've re-affirmed my biggest, most basic, and yet the most powerful of all my beliefs, ((that doesnt have to do do with God, directly anyway)) and that belief is simply this: "You can ALWAYS rebuild." And that has a little cluse attached to it: "Every little bit counts!" They make me feel like ":DDDD"

So even when I let sum one borrow my +11 (+7Strengthened) Veteran G40 Joong Bang Stick (cost me 230k to make, could have sold for 500-750k) for a day, and turns out he was a theif and i didnt even give him the opprtunity to try and scam me cause i basically GAVE it to him for free of my own will without his even asking....
Yep, Its the mage right next to me. Im "MoralitySlave" ^^;; This was a guild pic, and I dont think any of us are actually still in that guild. I know Im not.

Even though mother was rushing me and i rushed off to set up a store and sold my +12 Expert G40 Chul Tae Bow (cost me 320k, could have sold for 900k) for a mere 55k...

And just cause I tried to put another talismen on my +12 Confirmatory g40 Sae Dan Stick [EB 2] (cost me 225k, i would have sold for 600-750k) and it BROKE into 15 revision stones, all was not lost. I sold the revision stones and made 350k.

AND IM NOT SAD ANYMORE. Cause i love killin stuff and when u kill stuff u get more geons. And golds. And talismens. So I will simply go do that and start over ^_^. YOU CAN TOO, ALWAYS REBUILD. BIGGER AND BETTER. ALWAYS.

Thank you!

P.S. I MIGHT get a job soon. Or else I'll just keep playing car.
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