Saturday night feeling alright.

May 21, 2005 22:57

First of all...M.I.A. has been my lifes soundtrack for the past two days. Seriously.
It's so hot I am practically baking right now. I'm getting crispy as we speak. I never really made plans for tonight but no ID makes for very limited options. I'm not really into driving anymore today either. I drove to and from West Covina and then to Hollywood and then to Silverlake and then to Hollywood again and then to the valley and now back to Hollywood. Long Beach? Hm no thanks. I think I'm going to kick it, smoke a bowl, and go to bed. Yes yes yes. No better way to numb your mind than marijuana and cable television. I'm gonna get on it. PEACE LOVE

ps: I got the cutest black and gold fornarina shoes today
pps: i want to buy everything from sirens and sailors
ppspssssss: i am copying chza right now, i need to go visit him.
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