
Sep 28, 2008 16:55

Ok so for the past few months ive liked someone. I met him in leeds...about a year ago at the rock society. Even though he flirted with me and asked me to hang out lots i was never sure. Then got used to being friends, talking on msn, phone and such like. Until March when he decided to tell me he really really liked. I still wasnt sure so kinda turned him down and he got with someone else.

Anyway, over the summer hes been awesome, helping me with my uni diasastor, ringing me when i was sad, being really supportive and lovely. And thats when i thought i actually liked him and he liked me. We planned to go visit each other and stuff. Only on thursday i sent him a text saying i wanted to kiss him. No reply.

No reply because he was at the leeds uni jazz soc....kissing another girl. Which he told me today. I know hes perfectly entitled to do what he wants, not like we are going out. But it bummed me out. And only earlier when i said i would tone down the flirting he said i shouldnt....and now i find this out. He said he doesnt get why im bummed out and that nothing changed from before, whatever that means. I said it has and he said he doesnt get it and still wants me to come visit and hes not officially going out with her yet. I left it with a "yeah well i dont get it either, sorry" text.

So thats that. More and more im becoming reclusive from guys in that way, Im more happier to be one of them, dance to metal and pretend like i dont give a fuck. But i let someone in, tell them my problems, start to like them, and then i find out they are busy kissing other people while im at a club purposely not getting with anyone because i like them.

Totally bummed out today.

Oh well, ill get over it, its not a biggy. Its just another blip in my pathetic love life. I cant ever trust guys. Guess ive got my ex to blame for that. and probably myself.
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