Aug 16, 2008 15:21

Theres only so much i can take from people, before i stop giving them chances and fucking explode.

My cunt of a supervisor has been nothing but fucking shit through this year, i put up with it because i thought he was a decent guy. Not only have i realise that is not true, and that hes fucking shit at his job, but i also realise he has no ethical morals or integrity at all. no its not fucking ok to take all my project funds to use for yourself, and then promise that it wont affect me because youll pay any expenses i have, yet when it comes to fucking paying up, you refuse, despite being shown emails where you promised you would help me.

No i dont fucking come from a rich family, and i cant afford for my project money to pay for other people meaning i have to fork out £50 to make my presentation poster. If that twat thinks i am going to ask him for any more help regrading my project then he is mistaken. When i return to leeds to give my presentation talk, which he is marking, i am not saying a word to him, or thanking him. I fucking hope they pull him up on this.

And why do people think they can treat my mum like shit? I rang her yesterday to get some stress out and she told me that our next door neighbour is now saying she doesnt like the fact that my mum keeps chickens as pets, resuced ones at that. I dont see what the hell it has to do with this woman. She gladly accepted free range eggs from my mum, but doesnt seem to want that anymore. Apparently my mum had a MASSIVE go at her when she told my mum to get rid of the chickens at work. And apparently, when my dad left when my sister and i were 4 and 7, this bitch reported my mum to social services to try and get my sister and i put into care and taken away because my mum was depressed. WELL FUCKING YES you would be depressed if your husband walked out on you and left you with no money and two children. OBVIOUSLY my sister and i are SO damaged by my mums supposed treatment and neglect of us, my sister has a phd and im completing a second degree. I have ethics and morals way beyond most people i know, so yeah, obviously my mum did a crap job of bringing us up.

Sometimes, i fucking hate people!!!

Just needed to get that out. Last night i listened to parts of the new bleeding through album, Declaration, It sounds emmense! I need fucked off music right now, and pro plus.
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