Jul 09, 2007 10:20
I managed to lose the exam schedule I made for the third time in a row, so now I'm posting it here - firstly, so that I know when I have to be where and why and second for all of you to have a laugh/gasp in shock/fall asleep/buy flowers for my grave/send me tons of Amphetamines or whatever. So, this is what I'm going to spend my next two weeks with:
Mon, 9th: Listening 4, Kaiwa speech
Tue, 10th: Written Comm Exam
Wed, 11th: Listening 2 (12:45-13:15), Renshû 4 (2-4, KuBau 21)
Thu, 12th: Kanji 2 (10:45-11:15)
Fri, 13th: No exam! Shudder, gasp!! XD
Sat, 14th: Mum Birthday, MASSIVE PREPARATION
Sun, 15th: see Saturday
Mon, 16th: Bunpô 2, (11-1) (Neue Aula 2), Oral Exam 4 (15:30-16:00)
Tue, 17th: Bunpô 4 (9-11)(Neue Aula 1), Vocabulary and Text prod 2 (11-13 KuBau 23)
Wed, 18th: Oral Exam 2 (9:20-9:30) (3 Minute Speech STILL TO BE DONE)
Thu, 19th: MASSIVE... you know what. Korean Presentation on the war 1950-1953
Fri, 20th: 9-11 Dokkai 4 (Alte Physik) , 11:30 -13:15 Bungo (Classic Japanese)
Sat, 21st: -Being dead-
Sun, 22nd: MP
Mon, 23rd: Translation Japanese (14:15-15:45)
Tue, 24th: 15:15 Syntax and Semantics (AND I WILL DIE IF I DON'T PASS THIS ONE) 18:00 Meeting theatre group ^^
Yay. Apart from that, I need to figure out if I get into Magister or not, how we get to Japan (Train or Plane), and HOW ON EARTH I get my stuff back to Stuttgart if I have to move out in the middle of the week and will therefore not have a car. o.0
Yay. Off I am.