Most people stay in the same place. I move around a lot. I found myself here at
ofversailles, and
poetadoctus but I'm sure I have more.
Listen. That I even remembered how to tag other LJ users is a crime.
In any case, I was browsing my friends' journals just to remind myself of who they were and see if they were doing anything now that I could attach myself to and say hello, like a website they keep or an Instagram that's still around. I didn't expect any of the links to work, but most of them did. I was most surprised at the domains that were still online and still truckin'. That life was so long ago for me, but you all now have a comprehensive backlog of your life online all in one place. I've written so many words over the years and I couldn't tell you where they went.
I was supposed to have a date tonight but I'm feeling sick. Sometime in the middle of my work day I got distracted by Livejournal as a thing: Oh, remember Livejournal? Let me see if I can login to my old account. This started with Nanowrimo and thinking I'll attempt Nanowrimo again this year, but didn't I have an LJ for Nanowrimo? I did, I did. And I'm glad I did, because I think I might want to revisit (wipe and reuse) one of those old ideas for this year's novel.
Since I'm staying home anyway, I should probably make up the last hour of work.
Sometimes I really miss the old days and being on here, the sense of community I had reading friends' journals all in one place and commenting and getting along. I gained a lot of writerly inspiration from people who lived far away. I barely write anymore, you know.
(That's why attempting Nanowrimo again is such a big deal.)
Oh well.
Hey, is this thing on?
Anyone out there?