long time...

Jan 28, 2009 11:14

so i haven't posted in ages.. like really ages, so ill update on my life.

so i was dating phil for mad long found out he was cheating on me and ditched that fuck.. end of story.

all summer i was a lifeguard met an amazing guy named alan, who was a SGT in the marines, he introduced me to chad, and now chad and i have been dating ever since. he is older than me (he's 26).. but age shouldn't matter

Chad left Jan 5th for deployment and i wont see him again till november.. SHITTY but i know that with time things can only get easier, each day that goes on is one day that im closer to seeing him again. He is an amazing guy and treats me the way that women should be treated with the most respect i have ever had from anyone, he was gone for most of the time when we first started dating, left sept 3rd was gone till nov 15th came home for a weekend to go to marine corps ball, then went back, and came home dec 15th for the holidays now he is in cali gearing up for deployment.. :( i miss him so much everyday it's strange going from seeing him everyday for 3 weeks and snuggling everynight together when he was home to well nothing at all now.. sucks. but i know that if we can make it through a deployment we can make it through anything.

as for me, i moved to NYC!! YEAHH BABY! im a nanny here and taking art classes at the art students league.. pretty sweet, ant thing to keep me busy and not thinking about chad getting killed is key. he says when he comes home he is putting a ring on me finger... makes me excited.. i think it's weird now.. but like steph is married and has a baby on the way, amber is dating a marine who wants to get engaged and i am as well, he wants to start a family which is understandable, and my goal in life is to be a mommy it always has been, go to college graduate have a career, start a family.

one thing that sucks about dating a marine is no one understands, i get so much shit from people, like youre too young to be waiting for someone, you need to experience things, and i am experiencing things, and i wouldn't be with him if i didn't think there was hope for a future. he has made me such a more uderstanding person. when i hear girls at school say "i haven't seen my boyfriend in like 4 days i miss him so much i feel like im going to die" i laugh to myself and know they have no idea what it's like to date a marine. shitty yes, but so rewarding, they feel the same feelings everyday, but in one homecoming i feel more love and care then anyone can possibly feel, you run to him and just have him pick you up and hold you and youre crying not cuz youre sad but because you missed them so much and you are so excited to have them back, you stand a little more proud when you hear the national anthem but you know that your marine is doing something good. i turn to my silent branch girls, al the girls from the message board who are either going through a deployment or have gone through one for support, we are all there for eachother and it's amazing.

love you all and i miss the ROC just a little bit.
-Jessica Marie
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