We(James and Jenna) need to announce that we have chosen to separate. Weare sorry for any pain this causes family and friends. The enthusiasmwe have expressed for each other's lives, spirits, and careers is real- we have been each other's cheerleader and friend during the past sixyears and continue to be so now and in the future.
Anda special note for our MySpace fans - We appreciate your support overthe years, and would be overjoyed to have you continue supporting usboth. You might be tempted to make one of us "feel better" by puttingthe other one down in a post. Please don't - we still have the utmostrespect for one another, and we'd have to delete you. We aren't takingquestions or doing interviews about this particular aspect of ourlives. We're also avoiding reading any press on the subject, so don'tsend us any clippings or links about the split. Thank you in advancefor respecting our privacy.
Yo no quiero creermelo :( pero hoy no es el segundo dia de los inocentes americano o algo asi no?xD
Bajo el cut os pongo unas fotitos de la pareja (robadas vilmente de sus myspaces) para que veais lo monos que son y os duela como a mi.