Meme: Five Questshuns

Feb 07, 2009 23:17

1. Leave me a comment saying, 'interview me'.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions. (You must do this, even if it's filtered for my eyes only!)
4. Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

My questshuns from 51stcenturyfox God bless ye.

1. Share your philosophy about caring!Owen
I love Owen being a dickhead, don't get me wrong. But he's too adorable to be Mr. Nasty all the time. We saw how nice he was with Katie, before Torchwood, so I reckon Torchwood made him a whore. And a bitch. Torchwood makes everyone a whore and a bitch.
In conclusion, Owen is a nice guy underneath and pretends to be this whorey bitchy bastard because there are no nice people at Torchwood. Who wants to see them all caring and kind? We want violence and sex.

2. What is your favorite film and why?
Oh dear. I have loads of fave films. The one I'd watch over and over would be Love Actually, because Richard Curtis is a comedy genius/legend. Plus it has all sorts of British movie veterans; Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, Emma Thompson, Bill Nighy, Martin Freeman, ROWAN FREAKIN' ATKINSON! Plus it's all warm and fuzzy and tear-inducing. I'm such a weepy person at heart. xD

3. Tell us about your favorite Torchwood episode.
Oh dear, I have to choose?!?! I liked They Keep Killing Suzie, because Suzie was such a badass bitch you had to love her. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was brilliant, because of good ole Captain John Hart, and the poodle moment. I liked Dead Man Walking, because Owen is brilliant with Jamie and Death. And the Weight Watchers reference XD. But I love Fragments, because you learn stuffs about the characters, which is always useful for writers, even if it does screw with our canon's. One that I could NOT stand was Adrift. Don't get me started on it.

4. Seaside or mountains?
I kinda live really near the seaside, and the Devon coast is absolutely spectacular. Our family owns a sailing boat, so we sail round a bit. Honestly, it's gorgeous. But I love the mountains, they iz all pwetty and snowful and stuff. I've been skiing quite a lot, so I love that. Randomly, England has recieved a lot of snow recently, and we had some! School was cancelled and we all went home and had a massive snowfight in the village square. So I can't decide. Maybe, seaside in summer and mountains in winter?

5. If you could have one wish and you could not personally benefit from it, what would it be?
Erradicate Aids! And no, that would not personally benefit me. Thankfully. Or stopping poverty, preventing global warming, ensuring we don't run out of resources and die...something along those lines. Everyone wants to be a good guy, and weirdly enough I went to a rock concert and ended up signing a sheet to participate in various things to help stop Aids today. So life does go full circle.

Anyway, I'm now totally confused, and I'm sure everyone's rather bored of my words. So until next time, goodbye children! And yes, I do realise how patronising it is for me to use the word 'children'.

5 things, my boring life, meme

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