Okay. I know I ought to be slapped for not updating for 5 days.
Erm... Trying to do a 30 day meme. NOT AS EASY AS I THOUGHT.
anyway. I like Becky (♪# or not.)
No I am not a fan. But I just don't like how, people dislike her just because she was in Kaibutsu-kun SP.
COME AND HATE ME IF YOU WANT TO. If you are complaining she's everywhere. Then there are a lot of TV personalities that are ought to be slapped.
DAY 06!
Favorite member Engrish
Click to view
Aiba's english moments are the best. "VERY VERY DANGER" (Ohno's are honorable mentions only)
Click to view
Maybe you all should try to send Masuda an english letter.
*Did they have any honorable Engrish moments? Can't think of any...*
SORRY. This was the first that came to me I just love this video too much.
DAY 07!
Quote from a non-single song (album and B-side only)
this is a challenge for me, cos I am not a very "quot-ish" person.
We genuinely cried (The time that had passed was full of love)
We genuinely laughed (We really have nothing else left but words)
We genuinely worried (Let's face forward once again)
We genuinely lived (With this large accumulated portion of love)
今がある 胸をはれる
And now, we can stand tall with pride"
5x10. I love this part of the song! Just the quote. cos I am not a huge fan of the song itself.
You won't lose your way when things get tough.
Collect the puzzle pieces of your dreams.
And go towards the sky"
夢の数だけ愛が生まれる. I really like this song.
the whole song is wonderful, I don't know which part to take.
DAY 08!
A Sho picture you can’t take your eyes off
UNCOUNTABLE. but this is my current favourite! Moe point: SPECS
A Ryo picture you can’t take your eyes off
A Maru picture you can’t take your eyes off
AWESOME ワンシャン.ロンピン :D
DAY 09!
Favorite PV *I know video confirm kena taken down. I put picture okay.*
Not really a favourite, but I liked the concept of this.
I shall pretend that today is not the 10th day.