
May 23, 2010 00:48



And it's in the middle of Yoko's tour!! :( JIAYOU BLACK RANGER!!!!! He's really professional, gone back to work on the 19th... And kinda awkward since his mum passed away on Tacchon's birthday.....

and check out what he had blogged.. http://community.livejournal.com/yokodiary/109264.html

on a slightly brighter note,

credits: arashi_no_jidai (They upload at the speed of light and I like it)
I AM SO BUYING THIS MONTH'S POPOLO. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG I HAVE WAITED FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS. It's been 3 years since I last saw Mabo in popolo orz.. The last time I saw was 2007 April. (Unless I missed anything and I don't know)
*runs away to make a dp*

tokio, kanjani8: yokoyama yuu, arashi: ohno satoshi

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