I have finished the damn exams! However, have been busy for the past 2 days to do anything fun.. And there's so many mails in my inbox that I am lazy to check and clear. SO I shall leave it for tomorrow.
Just wanna drop a short, random & pretty informative article I saw (I happen to like to read the news, don't laugh)
http://sg.news.yahoo.com/afp/20100505/tts-health-science-sleep-britain-italy-cac1e9b.html I understand that most of you don't sleep much since your regular routine is like this:
Work/School (10 hours)->Home->Fangirl (as much as possible)->Sleep (fangirl too long & end up having only 5 hours to sleep)->Work/School (10 hours like a zombie)
and the vicious cycle continues.
conclusion: TRY TO SLEEP MORE and take care of yourselves!
however, most believe in that myth of how the Mayan calendar is gonna end (I rmb saying how I'm gonna watch 2012 in 2013 and laugh at that movie), so here's an alternate conclusion: Let's just not sleep until 2012 since we can sleep all we want when that day comes.
and here's a screencap I have been longing to post.
I was watching Kisaragi you have no idea how ****ing long I have been searching for the subs when it was just "right there", and it's pretty interesting.
the typical life of a fangirl/boy (ignore the "her" and replace it with "his")
And I was watching Shounentai yume. (I am a fan in the event you all don't know)
[Mizawa home CM?] HAHA I only know I got a shock when I saw this. it's like "Oh Jun!" and his voice back then. LOLLLLLL. And higashi looks like Johnny trying to poach young kids to the jimusho.