jap exams are OVER with Listening ending like a DISASTER!

Nov 19, 2009 00:14

From this...

to this...

HAHA my sister and I set up an "Go to Arashi concert" before 2012 fund [well, not as if I give that much of a damn about 2012, it's just a target]...... Couldn't find a better picture that we do not want so we randomly cut out a photo from potato. HAHA!!! We are setting one up for K8 soon too!!! *But too bad I am all alone for the Tegomasu fund. o.o*

WRONG! you are STILL cool! XDDD

This sounds damn random, but I actually liked the first episode of Soukon altho I couldn't find any meaning behind running in the first episode without any purpose....

Because we see the greatest couples on earth. HAHAHAHAHAH I wish Kusano was there too!!! T.T

These 2 lazybums. HAHAHAHAHA!! But I loved that mini "PV" they made in this!


Shouldn't you both be wishing for NEWS to do well instead of Tegomasu?!?!?!?!?! But oh wells, I am a tegomasu fan so.... a tinge of biasness, I won't mind them saying this.

i can't wait for my diamond DVD, I wanna spazzz about it!! seriously, NEWS should just produce their own concerts in the future because P___c was quite a d____r.

watched it with stahsee [who is searching for Massu right now],
faith_alive [THANKS FOR THE TV GUIDE!!!!], match1608, mklia and badbatazz, too bad quite a few weren't able to make it, BUT WE ARE HAVING A REVENGE SESSION!!!! SO MUST COMEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! ESP v3lv3ty !!! YOU ARE ALWAYS VERY BUSY!

just came back from a wedding, so I am damn full and tired, GOODNIGHT!

news, news: kato shigeaki, arashi: ohno satoshi, news: koyama keiichiro, news: tegomass, arashi

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