Is this still available for ordering? im from malaysia.. if it is still available, is it possible to get the stuffs bfre 5th january? coz ill be leaving malaysia on the 5th
awww, thts just too bad.. zannen... huhu can i reserved the stuffs and ill buy in july (ill be back in malaysia at tht time) i know tht sounds way too long and u needed money atm but i really wanted those merchandise.
im from malaysia..
if it is still available, is it possible to get the stuffs bfre 5th january? coz ill be leaving malaysia on the 5th
can i reserved the stuffs and ill buy in july (ill be back in malaysia at tht time) i know tht sounds way too long and u needed money atm but i really wanted those merchandise.
i hope u can considerate. huhu T^T
Arashi LOVE clear file (GROUP)
Ribbon (one each)
Fluffy stickers (one each)
how much would those be?? can u give the price in RM?
The total would be
$15+$20+($15x3)+$15 = $95
Currency exchange rate: $1 = RM4.30
Total = RM408.50 *exclude shipping fees
I don't know their weight since I don't have access to the items. I will let you know once I go back to KL. Is that okay for you?
Thanks! :D
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