please, please, please spam me some high quality pictures!
most appreciated: any fandoms, music bands, actresses, actors etc.
i have no icons for you this time (sorry), but i've already started making some new ones for an upcoming batch.
anyway, this time i want to thank you all for comments! i'm really glad you guys like my stuff ;)
i also noticed you frending me, which is totally awesome, but i'd like to know something about you. so i'd love you to fill this short, probably the easier friending meme you've seen ;p it'd be great to know how many things we have in common. it'll take just a few minutes so please fill it out if you're already my friend or want to be added :)
fav music:
fav movies/tv shows:
fav books:
fav characters:
why you want to be friend with me:
btw, here's a little preview of soon-to-be-added icons with twilight and new moon