Taking Care of Mir 1/2

Oct 19, 2010 22:49

Title: Taking Care of Mir
Pairings: None
Rating: PG
Warnings: Contains Spanking of Young Adult K-Pop Idols
Genre: Humor
Summary: Mir is being...well Mir...

Jung Ji-hoon (Rain) Age: 29

Yang Seungho, Leader, Age: 23

Jung Byung Hee (G.O.), Age: 23

Lee Changsun (Joon), Age: 22

Park Sanghyun aka Cheon Doong (Thunder), Age: 21

Bang Chulyong (Mir), Maknae, Age: 19

Rain was sitting in the apartment that he and MBLAQ lived in, working on some paper work from the studio, when he heard the boys come in the front door.
“I didn't knock it over!,” Joon said, kicking off his shoes.
“Yeah, ok, sure you didn’t,” Seungho said, laughing. “Yeah,” G.O. added, “It just spilled all over that dancer, by itself, with no help from you.
“Someone wanted a wet t-shirt contest,” Thunder said, poking Joon in the side.
“I DID NOT! It was an accident! I swear!,” Joon protested, but the others just laughed at him. Mir was paying them no attention, he was more interested in the package of rice cakes that he spotted on the kitchen counter. He ran over and picked up the package.
“Chulyong-ah, those aren’t yours,” Seungho said, taking a water bottle out of the fridge.
“So?,” Mir said, opening the package.
“So, put them down,” G.O. told him.
“But I want one,” Mir said, pulling a rice cake from the package.
“Don’t you dare put that in your mouth,” Rain said, walking into the kitchen.
“But I want it,” Mir whined, still holding the rice cake.
“I don’t care,” Rain said, walking over to him, plucking the rice cake from Mir’s hand.
“It’s too close to dinner time.”
“But Hyunnng,” Mir whined, stomping his feet.
“Give it up,” Thunder laughed, “When Ji-hoon Hyung says no, he’s not changing his mind.” Mir folded his arms and pouted.
“Aigoo~our Maknae is so cute,” Joon said, pinching Mir’s chubby cheeks. Mir smacked Joon’s hand away and stomped out the kitchen.
“Alright guys,” Rain said, pulling things out the fridge, “Dinner is in about an hour. Go clean those pigsties you call bedrooms.”
“They are clean,” Joon said.
“Yeah, we cleaned them this morning,” G.O. added. Rain stopped pulling things out the fridge and looked at them.
“Really now?,” he asked, “So if I go in there and look, there won’t be clothes on the floor, electronics everywhere, beds will be made, desks will be orderly and fans' gifts won’t be scattered all over the room?”
“Uh~…,” Joon said, looking at G.O.
“Yeah, I thought so,” Rain said, looking back in the fridge, “Go clean them.” Joon groaned and headed to the bedroom he shared with G.O. and Seungho, G.O. following right behind him.  Seungho looked at Rain.
“Need some help, Hyung?,” he asked.
“If you’re trying to get out of cleaning your room,” Rain said, smiling a knowing smile, “Nice try. Bye.” Seungho smiled and shrugged his shoulders and headed towards his bedroom. Mir came back out holding onto a huge stuffed bunny a fan had given him.
“Hyung, I'm hungry, can I please have just one rice cake?,” he asked Rain.
“After dinner, maybe,” Rain told him. Mir pouted.
“But I want one now,” he said.
“That's nice,”Rain told him, pouring rice into the rice cooker.
“Hyunnng,” Mir whined.
“Somebody is going to be put down for a nap if he keeps whining,” Rain said, pushing the buttons on the rice cooker. Mir stopped whining.
“I don't want a nap.”
“Then I suggest you stop whining and leave the kitchen,” Rain said, turning to face him, “Especially since I told you to go clean your room.” Mir pouted again and walked out the kitchen. Rain started chopping up carrots when he looked up and saw Thunder sitting at the kitchen table, leaning on his arms, watching him.
“Is your room clean, Doongie?,” he asked.
“My side is, Mir’s isn't,” Thunder said. Rain actually believed him. Thunder was usually the neatest one out of the 5. Mir on the other hand, was the complete opposite.
“Alright, well then you can help me by chopping up these heads of broccoli,” Rain said, sitting the broccoli in front of Thunder, along with a knife.
“Sure, Hyung,” Thunder said, picking up the knife, “You know Mir hates broccoli.”
“That’s fine, but he’s still going to eat it,” Rain said, turning on the stove. Not without a fight, he won’t, Thunder thought to himself.

Mir wondered into Seungho, G.O. and Joon's bedroom.
"What are you doing?," he asked, jumping on Seungho's bed.
"Yah, Chulyong-ah!," Seungho said, folding up a blanket, "I just made that. Get down." Mir plopped down on the bed and said,
"But I'm bored, Hyung."
"Go read a book," G.O. said, trying to shove his overstuffed drawer shut. Mir made a face.
"I don't want to read, I want to play on your computer," he said, hopping off the bed and scampering over to G.O. laptop, opening it.
"No, Mir," G.O. said, taking the laptop from him.
"But I wanna play," Mir whined. He was doing a lot of that lately. And if he didn't stop, someone was going to hit him.
"Go take a nap!," Joon said, annoyed by Mir's constant whining.
"YOU go take a nap!," Mir said, sticking his tongue out at Joon.
"Chulyong-ah, go clean your room," Seungho said, sighing.
"Ok," Mir said. He walked towards the door, but he grabbed Joon's favorite teddy bear.
"Merong!" he called and ran out the room.
"YAH!," Joon said chasing after him,"Give that back! Aish! This kid is so annoying!" Seungho and G.O. just shook their heads.

When dinner was finally done, there was stir-fry, rice and chicken dumplings to eat.
“DUMPLINGS!,” Joon said excitedly, sitting himself down at the table.
“Yes, and don’t take them all either,” Rain said.
“Ewww,” Mir said, spotting the broccoli in the stir-fry, “I hate broccoli.”
“Well, then just pick it out,” Seungho told him, passing the rice over to G.O.
“He can pick them out but he still is going to eat them,” Rain told him. Mir twisted his face up. He wasn’t eating the broccoli. Mir hated broccoli more than anything.
“I don’t want it,” Mir said, pouting.
“Too bad,” Rain said, shoving a dumpling in his mouth.
“Hyung! Save some dumplings for the rest of us!,” Thunder said. Everyone looked at Joon’s plate, which had about 12 dumplings on it.
“Yah, Changsun-ah, put some of those back,” Rain said.
“Fine,” Joon sighed, and he put two back.
“More,” Rain said, raising an eyebrow. Joon put two more back.
“In a minute, you’re going to be putting them all back,” Rain said.
“How many do I have to put back?,” Joon whined.
“You can start with just 4,” Rain told him.
“4?!,” Joon said, shocked.
“4,” G.O. said, smiling. Joon stuck his tongue out at him and G.O. stuck his out right back.
“Alright guys, enough,” Seungho said, laughing. Rain just shook his head . He looked over and notice all the broccoli on Mir’s plate was gone, and his hands were under the table.
“Chulyong-ah,” he said, “What did you do with the broccoli?”
“I ate it,” Mir said, smiling an innocent smile.
“Really?,” Rain asked. Mir nodded.
“Let me see your hands,” Rain said. Mir showed him his hands. They were empty.
“Napkin,” Rain said. Mir lifted up his napkin from his lap and showed it to him. It was empty too. Rain looked at him, skeptical. Mir just smiled. Thunder looked at Mir. He had seen where Mir had put the broccoli. Rain kept looking at Mir and then he said, “Pockets,” thinking he had caught him. But Mir shrugged and stood up and showed Rain his pockets. They were both empty. Rain raised an eyebrow for a moment but then he gave an approving nod.
“Alright, Chulyong-ah, good job,” said. Mir smiled.
“I told you I ate them, Hyung,” he said. What Rain didn’t know was that Mir had put the broccoli under the table…on the floor.
“You five have doctor appointments tomorrow,” Rain told them.
“Why, Hyung?,” Seungho asked.
“Just an annual physical, except with this one they have to do a blood test,” Rain said.
“Oh, ok,” Seungho said, shrugging it off as it was nothing. Mir however paled. Blood tests meant needles and he was terrified of needles.
“I don’t want to go to the doctor’s tomorrow,” he said, pouting for the umpteenth time that evening.
“You don’t want to do a lot of things, Maknae,” G.O. said.
“Well, you’re going, end of story,” Rain said, firmly. Mir started kicking his feet, ready to throw a tantrum.
“Chulyong-ah, don’t start,” Seungho warned. But Mir kept kicking and whined, “I’m don’t want to go to the doctor’s!”
“Bang Chulyong,” Rain said, his voice low and dangerous, “If you don’t stop being a brat, you are going to regret it. Do you understand me?” But Mir wasn't listening. He was too far into ‘brat mode.’
“I’m not going!,” Mir yelled, slouching down, kicking his feet hard enough to bump the table. Rain had had enough. He stood up. "That's it. Bathroom," he told Mir.
"No! I'm sorry! I'll be good, I'll stop!," Mir said, quickly sitting up.
"Too late," Rain said and he picked up Mir and carried him towards the bathroom.
"Noooo! Hyung, I'm sorry!," Mir said, kicking, trying to get down.
"You will be when Hyung finishes with you," Rain told him. They disappeared into the bathroom and Rain shut the door.
"Oooo~he's gonna get a spanking~," Joon said, smirking.
"About time," G.O. said. The next thing they heard was the sound of Rain’s hand coming down on bare skin and the sound of Mir's cries.
“Hyung warned him,” Joon said, grabbing more dumplings.
“Yah, Hyung! Give me some of those, you already had 9!,” Thunder said, taking some of the dumplings off Joon’s plate.
“Yah!,” Joon said, but before he could stop Thunder, Seungho said, “You’ve had enough, Changsun-ah.”
“But Hyung,” Joon whined.
“You’ve had enough,” Seungho repeated.
“Ha, ha,” G.O. teased Joon. Joon gave him a dirty look and then quickly snatched one of G.O.’s dumplings, shoving it in his mouth before G.O. could stop him.
“YAH!,” G.O. said, surprised. Seungho and Thunder laughed. Joon smirked, his cheeks puffed up, making him look like a chipmunk.

Rain came back out with a sniffling Mir trailing behind him. Rain pointed to Mir's chair.
“Now sit.”
Mir plopped down in his chair and just sat there, pouting.
"Do we need to go back into the bathroom?", Rain asked. Mir quickly shook his head and started eating. Dinner was soon over (with Joon still eating the majority of the chicken dumplings) and it was about time to get Mir ready for bed. Now because Mir was the youngest, he needed as much sleep as possible. But getting Mir ready for bed was a battle in itself.
“I have to go back to the studio to take care of some things,” Rain said, grabbing his jacket, “I’ll be back in a couple of hours. I expect Chulyong in bed and asleep by then.”
“Ok, Hyung,” Seungho said, “Don’t worry.”
“I’ll try not to,” Rain said, heading out the door. As soon as the door shut, Seungho turned to Mir who was sitting on the couch watching television.
“Chulyong-ah,” he said, “It is time to get ready for bed.”
“I'm not going to bed now, it's still to early,” Mir said, not looking away from the television. Joon snapped it off.
“Yah!,” Mir said, looking at him.
“Bedtime, Mir,” Joon said, standing in front of him, “You heard Ji-Hoon Hyung. Let’s go.” Mir sat there for a moment and then a mischievous smile spread across his face.
"Fine…," he said, slowly getting off the couch, "But you gotta catch me first!" And with that he ran towards the front door.
“He wouldn’t actually go outside,” G.O. asked, “Would he?” Joon, Seungho and Thunder all looked at each other for a second, then they dashed towards the front door.
“MIR!,” Thunder called, “Don’t you da-” but Mir, laughing, ran out the door.
“AISH!,” Joon said, quickly throwing on his shoes, and heading out after him, “This kid!!”
“We just better catch him before Hyung comes home,” Thunder said, running out behind him, "Or it's going to be ALL our butts."
“I’ll just stay here,” G.O. said, plopping down on the couch.
“Or, you can come with us,” Seungho said, grabbing G.O. by the collar and lifting him up off the couch.
“Ok, ok, ok,” G.O. said, pulling himself out of Seungho’s grasp.
“You’re choking me.”
“Hyungs! Hurry up!,” Joon called from outside, running, “He’s getting away!” Mir, still running, looked back and laughed. This was going to be fun...

Chapter 2 (Final Part)

I just thought I'd write a little cute story about my favorite MBLAQ member, Mir! He always causing trouble but you know gotta love him! Likey? Comment and let me know! (^_~)

rain, joon, thunder, humor, spanking, g.o., mir, hand, mblaq, seungho

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