The Broken Award 1/3

Oct 12, 2010 00:02

Title: The Broken Award
Pairings: None
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Spanking of Young Adult K-Pop Idols
Genre: Drama, a little Angst
Summary: Junsu and Changmin were bored. Boredom causes them to accidently break a VERY important Award that DBSK received. And Yunho is not pleased.

Jung Yunho (U-Know), Leader, age:22

Kim Jaejoong (Hero), age:23

Park Yoochun (Micky), age: 21

Kim Junsu (Xiah), age: 21

Shim Changmin (Max), age: 19


Changmin's head sprung up from the book he was reading.

“Uh oh,” Changmin said, “What is it now?”

Yunho had never sounded this angry before. Ok, maybe one time before, but it hadn't ended well for anybody.


“Coming, Hyung!,” Changmin yelled jumping off his bed and hurrying into the kitchen where Yunho was yelling from.

In the kitchen there was Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu and Yunho. Junsu was actually kneeling on the floor with his fists in the air, Jaejoong was standing with his arms folded, face showing no emotions, Yoochun was standing next to him looking very worried and next to him was a very, very furious Jung Yunho.

“Ne, Hyung?,” Changmin asked.

“Do you know what happen to this?,” Yunho said, holding out something to Changmin. When Changmin got a look at what it was, he sighed.

“Ne, Hyung. I do.” Changmin said, sadly.  It was their award they had won last year at the 2006 MKMF Award for Best Artist of the Year and the glass Award was in pieces.

Junsu and Changmin had been sitting on the living room couch earlier that day, watching television. Needless to say, Junsu was very bored. Yunho and Yoochun had left to go do some grocery shopping and Jaejoong was working in his studio and was not to be disturbed. It was also raining outside which didn't help Junsu's mood. He really wanted to play soccer but of course due to the rain, he couldn't. Well, he could but he would get sick so naturally the others wouldn't allow it.

“Changmin-ah, play soccer with me,” Junsu said, turning to Changmin. Changmin looked at him strangely.

“Hyung, it's raining,” he said. “We can play it inside,” Junsu said hopping up off the couch they were sitting on, picking up his soccer ball.

“Are you crazy, Hyung?,” Changmin asked, “Do you know how much trouble we will get in?”

“We'll be careful, come on Changminnie, please?,” Junsu begged, “I'm so bored and you know you're just as bored as I am.”

Changmin looked at Junsu for a minute. Junsu was giving him his 'puppy dog eye look.' Every time he did something with Junsu it always seemed to end up in trouble. But he was bored and he guessed it would be ok if they were really careful. Changmin sighed.

“Fine, Hyung, but only for a little bit and we have to be very careful. And keep an eye out for Jaejoong Hyung because if he catches us we will be in trouble,” Changmin said, getting off the couch.

“Yay!,” Junsu shouted, shooting the ball over to Changmin with his foot.

The game was actually quite interesting, trying to weave around things throughout the apartment. Jaejoong couldn't hear them bumping around because he was playing music in his studio so it drowned out the sound. But they could hear the music so whenever the music stopped, they stopped just in case he was coming out of the studio. This plan was actually working quite well until Junsu got a little too into the game and kicked a little too hard and CRASH! knocked their Award for the Best Artist of the Year onto the floor. The award broke into about 10 pieces. Junsu froze and so did Changmin. Their eNe widen and they just stared at it.

“Oh no, oh no, oh no,” Changmin said, finally running over to the pieces. Junsu ran right next to him.

“I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!,” Changmin said picking up the award, “I should have never let you talk me into playing soccer in the apartment, Hyung!”

“Look, we can hide it until we can get it fixed,” Junsu said, helping him pick up the pieces.

“Hide it? Do you want to die? Hyung, if we hide it, it is just like lying. Not to mention what will happen if it’s found broken,” Changmin said.

“No we are going to fix it Changminnie, we just need to put is somewhere so the others don't see it until we fix it,” Junsu said taking all the pieces from Changmin. Changmin just shook his head as he watched Junsu disappear into the bedroom the five of them shared. He sure hoped Junsu was right…

When Yunho and Yoochun returned, Junsu and Changmin were back on the sofa, watching TV.

“You two are still in the same spot?,” Yoochun laughed.

“Ne, Hyung,” Changmin said, chuckling nervously. Yunho gave Changmin a weird look for a second then shook it off and started unpacking groceries. Junsu nudged Changmin and gave him a look that said 'Calm down or they will know something's up' and then jumped off the couch to help with the groceries. Jaejoong finally came out of the studio. He stretched.

“Aigoo, I am so hungry, who is cooking tonight?” They all looked at him.

“Let me guess, Me? But I cooked last night and the night before that,” Jaejoong protested, “And I tired.” Yunho gave him his 'puppy dog look' and whined,

“But Jaejoongie~.” Jaejoong sighed and smiled. He always gave in when Yunho gave him that look.

“Fine, I'll cook but no complaining about the menu,” Jaejoong said.

“Fair enough,” Yunho said, happily.

Later that evening Changmin was in the bedroom reading when he heard Yunho yell his name. Automatically he knew someone must have found the pieces to the Award. Apparently earlier Yoochun had found the pieces under Junsu’s bed while he was looking for his iPOD Touch. When realized what the pieces were, he gasped. Should he just hide it back under the bed? No, he couldn't do that. But he didn't want Junsu to get in trouble. But he knew Yunho and Jaejoong would notice the award was missing since it sat on a stand in the middle of the living room where it was hard to miss. Yoochun sighed. He had to tell. Maybe it was just an accident. Yeah, he was sure it was. He quickly took it to Jaejoong.

“Hyung...look,” he said, holding the pieces out to Jaejoong, who was stirring something on the stove.

“What is it Chunnie? I'm trying to fi-,” Jaejoong stopped when he turned and saw what Yoochun was holding.

“What. Happened?,” Jaejoong asked, his voice emotionless. Yoochun gulped. Jaejoong was not pleased and his face clearly showed that.

“I don't know, Hyung. I just found it...,” Yoochun said.

“Where?,” Jaejoong asked, crossings his arms.

“ was...umm...,” Yoochun mumbled, looking away from Jaejoong's cold stare.

“Don't you dare lie to me Park Yoochun. Where did you find it?,” Jaejoong asked again.

“Under a bed,” Yoochun said, quietly. Jaejoong was getting annoyed.

“WHOSE bed, Yoochun?,” he said, stepping closer to his dongsaeng.

“Junsu's,” Yoochun said, even quieter.

Jaejoong huffed. Of course. Junsu was always breaking something. Jaejoong took the pieces and took them to show to Yunho. And Yunho was furious. He had noticed something was out of place when he and Yoochun had returned from shopping. When he asked who did and Jaejoong told him, he just about exploded.

“JUNSU!!! KIM JUNSU!!!,” Yunho yelled. Junsu  who was in the studio working on something came out, cheerfully.

“What is it, Hyun-,” then he stopped cold when he saw what Yunho had in his hand.

“Do you know anything about this?,” Yunho asked, slowly. Junsu gulped and started to pale.

“N-no Hyung,” he said, “I don't know anything about it…”

“Then why do you look so nervous, Junsu-ah? Hmm? You’re not lying to Hyung...are you?,” Yunho asked stepping closer to Junsu.

“Uh…I..uh...well...,” Junsu stammered.

Yoochun was getting very nervous because he had never seen Yunho this angry before. Jaejoong face was once again, emotionless. He knew that when Yunho was really angry, he would talk very first. Like the calm before the storm. Yunho stared Junsu down. Junsu figured he should just come clean since Yunho probably already figured out the truth. No sense it making it worse for himself by lying. Finally he sighed.

“Ne, Hyung...I know what happened,” Junsu said looking down. Yunho nodded his head.

“I thought so,” he said, “Care to tell me how it happened?” Junsu gulped and started playing with his hands.

“Well, me and Changmin were bored this morning and since it was raining....” Junsu stopped. Yunho look at him waiting for him to finish.

“And?,” he asked.

“Well, I talked Changmin into playing soccer an-,” Junsu started to say.

“But it's raining outside, Junsu,” Yoochun said.

“Ne, I know, that's why we were playing it inside an-,” Junsu said, with the last part of the sentence coming out in barely a whisper.

“YOU WERE PLAYING SOCCER INSIDE THE APARTMENT?,” Yunho suddenly yelled, “ARE YOU TWO CRAZY?” Junsu cringed. He was in deep, deep, deep trouble.

“Junsu-ah,” Jaejoong said, softly. Junsu looked up towards Jaejoong. Jaejoong's face was full of disappointment.

“What caused you to think that was ok? Huh?,” Jaejoong asked.

“I don’t know, Hyung...” Junsu answered, looking down at the ground.

Jaejoong sighed and shook his head. Yoochun's shoulders slumped. He knew what was coming and he felt so bad for Junsu. He wanted to try to calm Yunho down, who was currently quickly pacing back and forth. rubbing his hand furiously through his hair, but he didn’t dare put himself in the line of fire of an angry Yunho. Yunho had had enough of Junsu’s irresponsibility. This was not the first time something like this had happened. It had happened WAY to many times and Yunho decided he was going to end. TODAY.

“CHANGMIN! SHIM CHANGMIN GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW! Junsu, punishment position! Now!”

“But Hyung, I-” Junsu started but Yunho gave him such a death glare that Junsu quickly kneeled on the floor and put both his fists in the air. And that’s when Changmin came running into the kitchen.

“Ne, Hyung?,” Changmin asked.

“Do you know what happen to this?,” Yunho said, holding out something to Changmin. When Changmin got a look at what it was, he sighed.

“Ne, Hyung. I do.” Changmin said, sadly.

Everytime. Everytime he did something with Junsu it ALWAYS, ALWAYS ended in TROUBLE. Yunho sighed. He wished Changmin hadn’t gotten into this mess with Junsu. He really didn’t want to punish either of his dongsaengs. But he had to. DongBankShinKi was his family and he was like the father figure, with Jaejoong as the motherly figure and the other 3 were the 'kids'. And two of Yunho’s 'kids' had messed up pretty badly and they needed to be punished. Throughly…

“Alright,” Yunho said to Changmin, “Punishment position.”

Changmin swallowed hard over the lump that was slowly forming in his throat.

“But Hyung, we’re sorry. Please…,” he said, quietly.

“Please Hyung, they won’t do it again. I know they won't. Please, please don’t punish them. Please give them another chance Hyung,” Yoochun begged. He really, really didn't want Junsu and Changmin to get in trouble.

“Yoochun-ah, they have it coming to them,” Jaejoong said, “They need to learn and I agree with Yunho. This irresponsibility has got to stop. It’s gone on long enough. We are Idols and we are old enough to know not to do such stupid things like playing soccer in the apartment with some many breakable things.”

Junsu looked up at Yunho.

“Please Hyung, just punish me, not Changmin. He didn’t want to go along with it and I talked him into it. Please don’t punish him too,” he begged. Yunho looked at him and sighed.

“Junsu, Changmin is 19-years old and is very capable of not allowing himself to do something if he doesn’t want to.” Changmin shoulders slumped because he knew it was true. He didn't have to go along with Junsu's idea if he didn't want to. Yunho looked at him.

“Changmin, I said punishment position.”

Changmin nodded and got on the floor, kneeling, and put his fists in the air. This was not going to be good…not good at all...

Chapter 2

Uh oh, somebody's in trouble...what's going to happen to Changmin and Junsu? Likey? Comment and let me know! (^_^)

yunho, angst, spanking, yoochun, drama, jaejoong, dbsk, junsu, changmin

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