Here We Go Again 1/?

Dec 21, 2013 15:45

Title: Here We Go Again
Pairings: None
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Spanking of a Teenage & Young Adult K-Pop Idols
Genre: Humor
Summary: Taemin has run off again (you'd think he'd know better by now) and this time, he's dragged someone else along with him...


Lee Jinki (Onew), Leader, age: 24

Kim Jonghyun, age: 23

Kim Kibum (Key), age: 22

Choi Minho, age: 22

Lee Taemin, Maknae, age: 20


Kim Jongin (Kai) age: 19
(More members to be added as the chapters go along...Merry Christmas~)

“Are you sure we won’t get caught?,” Kai asked, glancing over at Taemin. Taemin was looking out through the stairs’ railing, obviously having not heard Kai’s question.
“Huh? What?,” Taemin asked, turning to look at Kai, “What did you say?”
“I said, are you sure we won’t get caught?,” Kai repeated, peeking over Taemin’s shoulders.
“‘Mm’ doesn't put my mind at ease.”
“Shh-shh,” Taemin held up his hand for silence, listening carefully for something. Kai rolled his eyes. It was starting to seem as if Taemin hadn’t planned this out at all. “Ok, let’s go,” Taemin beckoned, suddenly jumping up and heading towards the stairwell door. Kai kept close on Taemin’s heels, but made sure the door didn’t slam behind them.

Jonghyun watched Key reach into the cabinet for what seemed like the hundredth time. Exactly how many spices was he planning on putting in the soup?
“Kibumie,” he finally said, “Are you seasoning the soup or souping the seasoning?”
“Huh?,” Key turned to look at Jonghyun confused. Jonghyun motioned towards the counter where countless bottles and containers sat. Key looked at the counter and then made a face at Jonghyun.
“Do you want the soup to taste good or not?”
“I do, I do,” Jonghyun stretched, “But I don’t want to die of high blood pressure either.”
Key rolled his eyes and turned back towards the stove. Jonghyun crossed his arms on the table and laid his head a top of them. He was just about to start dozing off when he heard the door key pad beep. He raised his head up just in time to see Minho walk into the kitchen, his arms weighed down with plastic bags. A whiff of fried chicken suddenly filled the kitchen, waking Jonghyun right up.
“You bought chicken?,” Jonghun asked, excitedly reaching for one of the bags, lifting out a box of the deliciously fried meat.
“Mm,” Minho smiled, “I figured since Jongin-ah was spending the night, I’d buy a treat.”
“You couldn’t alert the rest of us about such plan before ONE of us started making dinner?,” Key frowned at him. Minho looked behind Key at the bubbling pot of soup that was on the stove.
“Oh, mianhae, Kibumie, I didn’t realize-”
“Didn’t realize what?,” Key interrupted, crossing his arms, “Didn’t realize that some of us might have wanted to make a special dinner when we have a guest? Huh? HUH?”
“Mianhae, chincha Mianhae,” Minho apologized, placing his hands in a placating manner, “I’ll just put the chicken in the refrigerator and we can have it later.”
Minho turned back towards the table and almost jumped at the sight of Onew, who was sitting very contently, enjoying a box of the chicken.
“H-Hyung? When did you…,” Minho asked, looking around him, trying to locate the pocket of thin air Onew seemed to have come from.
“You know he can smell chicken from miles away,” Jonghyun chuckled, biting into a piece of chicken himself. Key let out an exasperated sigh.
“Just forget the soup,” he said, placing a top on the pot, “It will taste just as good for breakfast in the morning. We’ll just have chicken for dinner tonight.”
“I’ll go get Taemin and Jongin,” Jonghyun offered, taking another bite of chicken before getting up and heading down the hallway. Key nodded and went to grab plates and cups.
“Hyung,” Minho smiled at Onew, “We should wait for everyone to be at the table before we continue eating.”
Onew just raised an eyebrow at Minho, continuing to eat.
“Or~you can go ahead and start…or continue,” Minho mumbled, heading towards the refrigerator to get some things to drink. Jonghyun came back into the kitchen with a confused frown on his face.
“What?,” Key asked, placing the plates on the table.
“Taemin and Jongin…,” Jonghyun muttered, leaning against the wall.
“What about them?,” Minho inquired.
“They’re gone.”
“What do you mean ‘gone’?,” Key asked, his facial expression now matching Jonghyun’s.
“I mean, they’re not in Taemin’s room.”
“Then where are they?”
“I have no idea.”
Key place his hands on the table and leaned into them, dropping his head down in an annoyed sigh.
“Sooooo~…what?,” Jonghyun asked, not sure how to read the current situation. Key looked up and sighed again.
“Now, we have to go hunt them down,” he stated, the annoyance evident in his voice. Minho nodded in agreement.
“Well, so much for having hot fried chicken,” Minho sighed, closing up the boxes of chicken. He went to reach for Onew’s, but quickly changed his mind when Onew locked him in a death glare.
“But Hyung, we have to go find Taemin and Jongin,” Minho said, cautiously reaching for the box again.
“Ok, go find them,” Onew chewed, smacking Minho's hand away, “And I’ll stay here just in case they come back. Somebody is going to need to be here to catch them if they try to sneak back in.”
“He has a point,” Jonghyun shrugged.
“And I’d hurry,” Onew added, “It’s late and it’s cold and the longer you stand here, the further from the dorm they get.”
“Right right,” Minho agreed, heading back towards his shoes. Key was already ready and waiting, howbeit not all that patiently. “Bballi bballi~,” he rushed them.
“We’re ready, we’re ready,” Jonghyun muttered, buttoning up his coat and slipping on his shoes at the same time. Key opened the door and hurried down the stairwell.
“I really didn’t want to have to spank anybody tonight…,” he grumbled.

Chapter 2

Here we go again~and this time Kai is involved. Wonder how this is going to go...Likey? Comment and let me know!

onew, jonghyun, spanking, exo, taemin, kai, key, shinee, minho

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