Hide & Sneak 1/9

Jul 10, 2013 01:03

Title: Hide & Sneak
Pairings: None
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Spanking of a Teenage & Young Adult K-Pop Idols
Genre: Humor
Summary: When the Hyungs say NO, they mean NO but apparently, nobody thought the Hyungs were serious...unfortunately they're about to find out how serious the Hyungs really were...


Kim Jaejoong (Hero) age:24

Jung Yunho (U-Know), Leader, age:24

Park Yoochun (Micky) age:23

Kim Junsu age:23

Shin Changmin (Max), Maknae, age:21


Lee Jinki (Onew), Leader, age:20

Kim Jonghyun age:19

Choi Minho age:18

Kim Kibum (Key) age:18

Lee Taemin, Maknae, age:16

“Hyung, do you even know which way it is?,” Jonghyun asked, leaning over Junsu’s shoulder from the backseat.
“Yes,” Junsu said, turning down a busy street.
“Are you sure?”
“I know where I’m going, now sit back,” Junsu said, taking one hand from the steering wheel and pushing Jonghyun’s face back.
“This is gonna be so awesome!” Taemin said, excitedly.
“Yeah, if we ever get there because at the rate Hyung is going…,” Jonghyun smirked, re-adjusting himself in his seat between Taemin and Changmin.
SHINee and DBSK were all on vacation in Busan for the week. They had finally managed to work their schedules to where they could all take the same vacation time together. They had rented a beach house in a private area, away from the peering eyes of Cassies and Shawols and so far, they hadn’t had any problems. However not too long after they had arrived, news of what was called, The Midnight Extravagance, had hit the streets that it was coming to town. The only thing was that it was coming for one night only and the older members of both groups weren’t about to have everyone out that late especially where there could be crazy fans in the midst.
“At night you can’t even see what’s coming,” Onew had said.
“Hyung, it’s a Fair!,” Jonghyun had protested, “It will be lit up like New York City!”
“Which is already too blinding and makes it even harder to see what’s coming,” Jaejoong had told Jonghyun.
“Which means, nobody is going,” Key had added.
“We’ll be careful though!,” Junsu had complained, “We’ll look out for each other and make sure nobody gets hurt!”
“No means no,” Yunho had told them, definitely, “And I don’t want to hear any more about it.”
But yet…
“I cannot believe you talked me into going along with this,” Changmin muttered, crossing his arms. Yoochun, who was in the passenger’s seat, turned to look at him.
“Changmin-ah, why don’t you try to get into the spirit of things, huh? It’s gonna be fun.”
“Hyung, the last time we went along with one of Junsu Hyung’s ideas, we burnt down the kitchen and mind you, the kitchen wasn’t the only thing that was lit up the night.”
Yoochun grimaced at the memory. All three of them hadn’t been able to sit too comfortably for the couple of days that had followed that incident.
“Well, this time,” Yoochun said, looking at Jonghyun, “It was Jonghyun’s idea.”
“And Jonghyun has never been caught before?,” Changmin asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Busted, not caught,” Taemin said.
“Same thing.”
“Nooooo, busted is when they catch you in the act of doing something. Caught is when they-”
“Catch you in the act of doing something,” Changmin told him, “Like I said same thing, which makes this little escapade a bad idea but once again, here I sit, going along with it like a babo.”
“Well maybe this time, things will work out a little better,” Yoochun said, trying to reassure Changmin, “I mean, you’re not near any soccer balls or awards and we’re nowhere near anything flammable or have things that emit fire.”
“Hyung you do realize if they wake up and find us gone we’re ALL going to be dead men.”
“Changmin Hyung,” Jonghyun said, throwing an arm around Changmin’s shoulders, “Don’t be such a downer, it will be fine~! Of all the times I’ve snuck out, I’ve NEVER been caught.”
“It’s true,” Taemin agreed, “He’s always made it back before Onew Hyung woke up.” Jonghyun nodded proudly.
“I’m the best when it comes to sneaking around. We won’t get caught.” Changmin scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“Famous last words,” he muttered.

A few minutes later, Taemin about lept into the front seat, excitedly pointing down the road.
“There it is!,” he said, almost making Junsu swerve into a ditch.
“Yah! Lee Taemin!,” Junsu said, reaching back and pushing the teenager back into his seat, “If you make Hyung crash-”
“Mianhae, Hyung, I’m just really can’t wait to ride the Whirlwind of Death!”
“Oooo~! I’ve heard about that ride!,” Jonghyun said, leaning over towards the front again, “It spends so fast you feel like you’re actually caught up in a tornado!”
“Which means,” Yoochun stated, “I won’t be on it.”
“Aw~come on, Hyung! It will be fun! Junsu Hyung, are you gonna get on it?”
“Of course!,” Junsu said, pulling into a parking space, “I live for that adrenaline rush!”
“Which is why he’s always doing things that could get him into serious trouble,” Changmin said, knowingly.
That caused laughter to come from the backseat and a smirk to appear on Yoochun’s face.
“Yah, Changmin-ah,” Jusnu said, making a face at him, while turning off the ignition, “I don’t purposely do things to get in trouble.”
“Yet, here we all are the Midnight Extravagance and-”
“Changmin Hyung, why did you come if you’re just going to complain and whine the whole time?,” Jonghyun asked.
“Because,” Changmin said, opening the car door, “I have to make sure you all don’t get into any more trouble than need be.”
“More like you came to eat your weight in junk food,” Taemin said, reaching over to poke Changmin’s stomach, knowing of Changmin’s LOVE for food, especially junkie ones.
“Taeminnie, tease Changmin Hyung outside of the car,” Jonghyun said, quickly pushing Taemin out of the car, “It’s already 12:08 which means we’ve lost eight minutes of precious time!”
“Relax,” Yoochun chuckled, “The park doesn’t close until 5, we have plenty of time.”

After they had all paid for their entry, Yoochun huddled everybody together.
“Ok, make sure you don’t run off by yourself. Even though it’s we’re at a Fair, it’s still night and it still can be dangerous. So make sure you’re always at least with one person, especially you, Taeminnie. Ok?”
“Ok, ok, ok, can we go now?,” Jonghyun asked, anxiously.
“Yeah, Chunnie, we’re not 5, we can handle ourselves,” Junsu added.
“And I won’t run off anywhere by myself,” Taemin promised.
“Alright,” Yoochun said, smiling, “Go on.”
“LET’S GOOOOOO!,” Jonghyun said, running towards the Whirlwind of Death, with Junsu and Taemin running behind him. Yoochun turned towards Changmin.
“So, what should we do first? Eat?,” he grinned. Changmin rolled his eyes.
“Hyung, I do like to do other things at Fairs besides eat.”
Yoochun gave Changmin a look.
“What? I do!”
Yoochun raised an eyebrow.
“I do, Hyung!”
Yoochun crossed his arms and waited. Changmin did the same and looked back at Yoochun. After about a minute, Changmin let out an exasperated sigh and turned, heading towards the concession stands. Yoochun nodded and followed after him, chuckling to himself.

Jaejoong woke up suddenly. His bladder was screaming at him.
“I knew I shouldn’t have had that big glass of ice tea before going to sleep,” he muttered to himself, getting up and heading towards the bathroom.

As he was washing his hands, he noticed Yoochun had left his inhaler on the counter. He sighed.
“And then when he can’t find it, he has a panic attack which brings on an asthma attack,” Jaejoong said, picking up the inhaler.
He headed towards the room Yoochun and Junsu were sharing and quietly went in. He sat the inhaler on the end table that was next to the bed. He turned to head back out the room when he stopped. Something didn’t feel right…it was too quiet in the room…Yoochun was a snorer so Jaejoong knew it would never be this quiet unless…Jaejoong went over pulled the covers back. Sure enough, there were two body pillows where Yoochun and Junsu should’ve of been.
“They wouldn’t dare…,” Jaejoong said, quickly going to the next room, which was the room Changmin and Taemin shared. When he checked their beds he was met with yet another set of body pillows.
“Those little…,” Jaejoong mumbled, through a clenched jaw.
He didn’t even bother to go check for Jonghyun because he knew that if those four were gone, so was he. Jaejoong stormed out of Changmin and Taemin’s room and headed back to his, snapping the light on as he entered. Yunho groaned and buried himself deeper in the covers. Jaejoong marched over and snatched the covers off him.
“Jaejoongie~,” Yunho whined, blindly searching for the covers. When he couldn’t find them, he slowly opened his eyes before quickly shutting them from the brightness.
“Coverrrrrs~,” Yunho complained, reaching out for them. But Jaejoong just stood there, covers in hand, waiting for Yunho to open his eyes. Yunho finally sat up and opened his eyes fully.
“Jaejoongie why-,” he started but when he saw the look on Jaejoong’s face he quickly shut up.
“What’s…wrong?,” Yunho asked cautiously, not wanting to anger Jaejoong any further than he already seem to be.
“They’re gone,” Jaejoong answered, flatly.
“Who do you think?”
“Umm...,” Yunho thought, “I…don’t know?”
Jaejoong reached over and grabbed Yunho’s hand, dragging him out of the bed and down the hall.
“Where are we going?,” Yunho asked, stumbling, as he was being pulled, rather quickly, down the hallway. Jaejoong didn’t say anything as he led Yunho to Junsu and Yoochun’s room. When they got there, Jaejoong turned on the light and pointed at the bed. Yunho just stared for a moment as it took a second for him to realize what was wrong with the picture in front of him. Then, it hit him.
“They didn’t…,” he said, almost to himself.
“They did!,” Jaejoong said, angrily, “I cannot believe, they had the audacity, to deliberately disobey us!”
Yunho didn’t say anything else but he headed out of the room and down the hallway to the room where Onew and Minho slept.

About 10 minutes later, Onew, Minho, Jaejoong, Key and Yunho were all in the living room and not one of them was smiling.
“The insolence,” Key fumed, as he paced back and forth.
“You’d almost think they like getting in trouble,” Minho said, shaking his head.
Onew, who was sitting in an arm chair, remained quiet. He just sat with his hands folded under his chin and his elbows resting on his knees.
“We have to go get them,” Yunho said, standing up from the floor where he sat.
“Hyung, are you suggesting we go up there and drag them out, thus making a huge scene and drawing attention to ourselves?,” Minho asked.
“Well…uh…,” Yunho muttered, haven’t had thought of it like that.
“We have to be smart about it,” Jaejoong stated.
“Right,” Key agreed, sitting down next to Minho on the couch.
“I think...,” Onew said, slowly, “We should have some fun with them…”
“Fun? Hyung, they deliberately disobeyed us, why would we have fu-”
“Not fun, Kibumie, but FUN,” Onew told him, a mischievous smile spreading across his face.
Key gave Onew a perplexed look until Minho eventually explained it to him.
“Oh~!,” Key said, finally getting it, “Have FUN~with them.”
“So this is about to turn into a game of Cat & Mouse?,” Minho asked. Onew nodded.
“OOOOO~!,” Key clapped his hands excitedly, “I love it!”
“We’re the cats right?,” Yunho asked.
“Yes, Yunnie,” Jaejoong said, reaching up and patting Yunho’s head, “We’re the cats.”
Yunho fist pumped the air, making the others laugh and Jaejoong to just shake his head.
“Well then,” Jaejoong said, heading towards the hall, “We should probably get ready to go.”
“Yes!,” Key said, soundeing way too excited about the whole thing, “Everybody meet back here in 2 minutes! Better yet, make that 10 minutes.”
“10 minutes? Why so long?,” Yunho asked.
“Because I have to get dressed and fix my hair. I’ll be damned if I go out in public with bed-head.”
“Kibumie, it’s dark out,” Onew pointed out.
“Yes, but the Fair is lit and bright and full of people that will be able to see me. Better yet, give me about 20 minutes,” Key said, before disappearing into the bathroom.
“Same for me!,” Jaejoong called as he went down the hallway.
“Whelp,” Minho said, getting up, “I guess I’ll go make myself some Ramen because we all know they’re going to be at least 30 minutes.”
“Ramen~,” Yunho said, holding his stomach as it let out a small growl, “That sounds delicious right about now. Wanna make Hyung some?”
“No,” Minho said, going into the kitchen, “Make your own.”
“Oh come on~,” Yunho begged, following after Minho, “Pleeeeease?”
“Well then can I just have some of yours?”
“No, Hyung, make your own.”
“But it never comes out right~please Minho~? Please, please, pleeeeeease?”
Onew chuckled as he got up and went over by the front door. He slipped on his shoes and headed outside to the other car that was in the driveway. He opened the trunk and reached in, moving things aside, looking for something. Yunho, having given up on talking Minho into making him some food, came sauntering out of the house barefoot.
“What are you looking for?,” he asked, coming over to car.
“I’m looking for…” Onew lifted up a bag and pulling out something. “This.”
Yunho’s eyebrows raised at the sight of the stick Onew held in his hand.
“Don’t tell me this is the infamous bamboo cane,” Yunho smirked.
“It is,” Onew said, shutting the trunk, “And I see you have already heard about it.” “
Of course I have and I’ve heard that that thing is no joke when it comes to pain. I’m surprised you carry it around in the trunk like that though.”
“Oh I don’t,” Onew said, giving the cane a gently swing, “But I brought it along because I figured something would happen to where I would need and sure enough, I was right.”
“Well,” Yunho said, putting his arm around Onew’s shoulder, pulling him close, “I hope that thing is durable because it’s gonna be getting quite a workout soon.”

About an hour later, they were pulling into a parking space at the Midnight Extravaganza.
“This place is huge!,” Yunho said, as he climbed out the car, staring in awe at how massive the fairground was, “How are we going to find them?”
“Well,” Key said, jumping out after him, “I’ll bet anything that Jonghyun Hyung is wherever the biggest and fastest rides are located.”
“And most likely Taeminnie is with him,” Minho added, stretching.
“Junsu will probably be with them. And I know where Minnie will be wherever the food is,” Jaejoong said, “And Chunnie will probably be with him because he doesn’t do extreme heights and he’s not about to get on any rides by himself.”
“So this sounds like this will be easier than we thought,” Minho said, smirking.
“But, that doesn’t mean we have to rush, with it,” Key pointed out, leading the way to the entrance, “We should enjoy this, have fun with it.” “Definitely,” Jaejoong agreed, smiling a devious smile.
“Well then,” Onew smirked, “Let the games begin…”

Chapter 2

Oooo~I think I'm going to enjoy writing this fic a lot! I wonder who's going to get caught first...hmm...I guess you'll have to wait and see!
Likey? Comment and let me know!

yunho, onew, humor, jonghyun, spanking, yoochun, taemin, tvxq, jaejoong, dbsk, junsu, key, shinee, minho, changmin

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