Yoogeun & Me 1/5

Jan 01, 2011 01:09

Title: Yoogeun & Me
Pairings: None
Rating: PG
Warnings: Contains Spanking of a Teenage & Young Adult K-Pop Idol
Genre: Humor
Summary: Ever since Yoogeun moved in with SHINee, Taemin had lost his place as the baby of the family. And he's none to happy about it. Will he and Yoogeun ever be able to get along?

Lee Jinki (Onew), Leader Age: 21

Kim Jonghyun Age: 20

Choi Minho Age: 19

Kim Kibum (Key) Age: 19

Lee Taemin Age: 17

Jung Yoogeun Age: 4

Beep…Beep…Beep…Beep…Taemin moaned and turned over to look at his clock. It was 5:23 am. He groaned and turned back over, putting the pillow over his head to drown out the sound. He really didn’t want to get up. He hated the fact that they always seemed to have schedules before 8 every day. His alarm was still beeping but because Minho had moved it over to the desk, he would have to actually get up from his warm bed and walk over to shut it off. And he wasn’t exactly ready to do that just yet. So the alarm clock just kept beeping away. He figured somebody would hear it in the next room, get annoyed by it and come in and shut it off. “Taeminnie Hyung,” a little voice called from the doorway. Taemin turned over to look who it was. Yoogeun looked back at him with those big eyes that made everyone just fall heads over heels in love with him. Everyone that is except for Taemin. Ever since the 4 yr old had moved in with SHINee a couple of months ago, Taemin was no longer the cute youngest. Yoogeun now had taken that spot and now he ate up all the other hyungs attention. Taemin now had a little brother. And he wasn’t exactly thrilled about it. “What do you want, Yoogeun-ah,” Taemin asked turning back over, wondering why the 4 yr old was up this early. He heard the patter of Yoogeun’s little feet coming over to the side of the bed. Taemin groaned and pulled the covers over his head. Yoogeun tapped Taemin’s head and said again, “Taeminnie Hyung.” “What, Yoogeun-ah?,” Taemin asked, throwing the covers off his head to look at his little brother. “Key Umma said, ‘Get up!’,” Yoogeun said, imitating how Key said it. Now in the SHINee household, the family members went as follows: There was Key “Umma”, Onew “Appa”, Minho Hyung, Jongie Hyung and Taeminnie Hyung. At least to Yoogeun it was anyway. Yoogeun’s favorites were, of course, Key and Minho. He liked the other three too but those two were just his favorite. “I’m still tired,” Taemin said, pulling the covers back over his head, “Go away.” “But Key Umma said get up,” Yoogeun told him. “Go away, Yoogeun-ah.” Yoogeun stood for a second and then…“KEY UMMA!!!! TAEMINNIE HYUNG WON’T GET UP!!!!!” Taemin snapped the covers off his head and said, “Jung Yoogeun! Get out my room! ” “Get up!” “Get out!” “No!” “Yoogeun, get out now!” “No!,” Yoogeun said, stamping his little foot and putting his hands on his hips and putting on his signature pout. Taemin glared at Yoogeun and Yoogeun in turn stuck his tongue out at Taemin. Typical 4 yr old behavior, just stubborn. Taemin’s eyes widened and he hopped out of bed and said, “That’s if you’re going in the closet!” “Nooo! Key Umma! Help me!,” Yoogeun yelled as Taemin swiped him up under his arm. Key was at the door before Taemin could even make it out the room. “What are you doing with Yoogeun?,” Key asked, raising an eyebrow, arms folded across his chest. Taemin looked down at Yoogeun, who was under his arm like a football, and then he looked back up at Key. He sighed. “Nothing,” he said, placing Yoogeun back down on the floor. Yoogeun ran to Key and Key picked him up. “He was going to lock me in the closet, Umma,” Yoogeun tattled, putting his arms around Key’s neck, pouting. “I was not!,” Taemin protested, glaring at Yoogeun. Key looked at Taemin and then at Yoogeun, then back at Taemin. “Taemin, you need to be nice to your little brother,” Key said, “He’s only 4 so he doesn’t know any better.” Yoogeun looked at Taemin and smiled a cute baby smile. Taemin made a face. Yoogeun may be 4 but he knew exactly what he was doing. He may have the others fooled, Taemin thought, But I’m not. “Key Umma,” Yoogeun said, “Yoogeunie’s hungry.” Key smiled and placed a kiss on Yoogeun’s little chubby cheek. “Alright my little angel, Umma has made something delicious for you to eat.” “Yay!,” Yoogeun said, clapping his hands together. “Yah! Kibumie!,” Jonghyun called from the kitchen, “Is this for me?” “If it’s in a blue bowl, absolutely not!,” Key called, “That’s for Yoogeunie!” “Well can’t I have a little of it?” “NO!” “Fine, fine…,” Jonghyun said, “I’ll just eat what’s in this pot…” “Hyung! That’s not for you either! Leave it-aish!,” Key said, sitting Yoogeun down, “I need to go save breakfast from Jongie Hyung so Taemin can you dress Yoogeun for me?” “Why do I have to do it,” Taemin whined, “Can’t Minho Hyung do it instead?” “He’s in the shower,” Key said, leaving the room, “Just do what I asked you.” Yoogeun looked up at Taemin with a frown. “Don’t want you to dress me,” he said. “Well that makes two of us,” Taemin told him, crossing his arms. Yoogeun stuck his tongue out at Taemin and Taemin stuck his out right back.

Key made it into the kitchen just as Jonghyun was sticking his finger in the pot that was on the stove. “Hyung! Get away from that pot!,” Key scolded, “That’s not for you!” “Its ramen,” Jonghyun sulked, “How is it not for me?” “Because it isn’t,” Key said, shooing Jonghyun away from the stove, “It’s for Yoogeun.” “Why does Yoogeun get all the food?,” Jonghyun complained, “I need to eat too.” “There is food for you too,” Key said, pulling out the bread and fruit from the refrigerator, “You 4 will be having bread with strawberry sauce, sliced watermelon and eggs.” “Ewww,” Jonghyun said, scrunching up his face. Onew came into the kitchen and said, “Mmm, I smell ramen.” “Don’t bother,” Jonghyun said, plopping down in a chair, “It’s for Yoogeun-ah.” “Why?,” Onew asked confused. “Because he’s a growing boy and he needs a warm hearty breakfast,” Key said, stirring the ramen. “And we don’t?,” Onew asked, sticking a spoon in the ramen to taste the soup. “No, you do too, and stop that,” Key said, smacking Onew’s hand and taking the spoon from him, “Your breakfast is over there.” Onew made a face at the bread and fruit. “Uh, I’m going to need something warm too Kibumie,” Onew said. Key turned and placed a plate of warm eggs on the table. “There you go, Hyung,” he said smiling, “Warm.” Jonghyun laughed and Onew frowned. “Kibum, that is not-” Onew started to say but was interrupted by a commotion that was going on in the Taemin’s bedroom. “Yoogeun put this on!” “No! Don’t want to! No! No! NOOO!” That last no came out in a shriek. “Yoogeun! Get back here!” “NO!” Jonghyun looked at Onew and Key and said, “That’s all you Umma and Appa.” Key was about to tell Jonghyun to go settle the fight between his younger brothers when they all heard a sharp smack! and then the sound of Yoogeun crying. “Did he just hit my baby?,” Key said, eyes widening. “I think so,” Onew said. Key dropped the spoon he was stirring with and dashed to the bedroom. Onew was right behind him. Jonghyun just shook his head and said, “Kids...I wonder if I can sneak some of that ramen before Kibumie gets back…”

When Key made it into the bedroom, Yoogeun was standing there in just his Power Rangers underwear, crying. Big fat tears were rolling down the 4 yrs olds chubby cheeks and there was a bright red mark on the back of Yoogeun’s leg. Key quickly scooped and Yoogeun and said, “Oh my baby! My Yoogeunie! What happen to my Yoogeunie? Shhh, shh, Umma’s here. Umma’s here.” Yoogeun clung to Key and just continued to cry. Taemin was standing there, holding one of Yoogeun’s shirts in his hands and he had a guilty look on his face. “Did you smack your little brother?,” Onew asked, giving Taemin a look. “I didn’t smack him exactly, Hyung,” Taemin said, avoiding eye contact with both Onew and Key, “I just swatted him…a little.” “So you hit my baby?,” Key glared. “Kind of…but he was being bad, Hyung! He kept running away from me when I was trying to put a shirt on him!” “So you hit him?,” Key said, handing the sobbing Yoogeun to Onew, “He’s 4 yrs old, Taemin-ah! He’s a lot smaller than you!” “But he wasn’t listening to me,” Taemin whined, knowing from the look in Key’s eyes he was about to get it. “I don’t care,” Key said, walking over to Taemin’s dresser and taking the wooden hairbrush off of it, “You do not hit him!” Taemin whimpered as Key came over to him. “Ok, I won’t hit him anymore,” Taemin whined as Key grabbed him by the arm and pulled him over to the bed, “I promise, please don’t spank me Hyung! I’m sorry!” “You better not hit him anymore,” Key said, pulling Taemin over his knees, “Or you are going to find yourself in this position quite a bit.” “Uh, we’re going to give you two some privacy,” Onew said, backing out of the room with Yoogeun, “We’ll be in the kitchen.” “Alright,” Key said, pulling down Taemin’s pajama pants. “Hyung! Wait, wait, wait! Don’t pull my pants down! I’m sorry!,” Taemin begged, grabbing onto the waist band of his pants, trying to keep Key from pulling them down. “Taemin-ah, if you don’t move your hands, I’m going to spank you bare,” Key threatened. Taemin whimpered but he removed his hands. Key pulled the pants all the way off and started spanking. “You will not Smack! hit Smack! your Smack! little brother! Smack! He is 4 Smack! and a lot Smack! weaker than you Smack! Smack! Smack!,” Key said working his way down Taemin’s butt. “Alright! Alright! Alright!,” Taemin cried, “I won’t do it anymore! Please stop!” Key scoffed and said, “We just started. We still have a ways to go.” Key was really working Taemin over. Taemin was wailing, begging for Key to stop spanking him or at least choose a different spot because he had been on one cheek for quite a while. “Taemin-ah Smack! I will stop Smack! Smack! when I think you have fully learned Smack! your lesson Smack! Smack!” “B-But I have l-l-learrrrnned! Pleeeease Hyung! No more! I’ll b-behave! P-P-Please no more sp-sp-spanking!” Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Taemin started kicking his legs trying to stop the onslaught of the unforgiving hairbrush. “Stop kicking or I will pull these boxers right off!,” Key warned. Taemin quickly stopped kicking. That was the last thing he wanted. Key kept going though. Taemin was now sobbing, a blubbering mess, still begging with Key to stop the spanking. “We’re almost done, Taemin-ah,” Key said, “Just a few more to really drive the point home.” “It’s h-h-home alr-r-ready, H-H-Hyunnng,” Taemin sobbed, “No m-m-more, p-p-pleeease.” Key sighed and gave Taemin 10 more smacks and then he sat the brush on the bed. Taemin lay over his lap for a minute and sobbed, trying to calm himself down. When it seem Taemin had quieted some, Key turned Taemin around into his arms and gave him a hug. “Taemin-ah,” Key said, gently, “I know that Yoogeun’s moving in has been a little difficult for you and you’re not quite use to having a little brother just yet but I promise you’ll get used to him. But you have to be nice to him and you cannot hit him. Understand?” Taemin nodded and sniffled. Key smiled and kissed Taemin on the cheek and said, “Good, and don’t worry, Yoogeun may be my baby but you will always be my little Taeminnie.” Taemin smiled at that. At least Yoogeun hadn’t completely taken his place.

When Taemin and Key came into the kitchen Yoogeun was sitting on Minho’s lap, still in just his Power Rangers underwear. “Umma!,” Yoogeun said, “Hyung eated Yoogeunie’s noodles!” “Who?,” Key said, putting his hands on his hips. “Hyung did,” Yoogeun said pointing at Jonghyun. “I did not!,” Jonghyun protested. Key raised an eyebrow at Jonghyun and said, “Did you eat it Hyung?” “No…well not really…I just tasted a noodle…” Key gave him a look. “Or 20…” “That’s what I thought,” Key said, “And even after I specifically told you they were for Yoogeun. Tsk. Tsk. Yoogeunie, do you think Hyung should be punished?” Yoogeun giggled and said, “Yes, Umma.” Jonghyun’s eyes went wide and he said, “W-What? Punished? What do you mean punished?” “Go to time-out!,” Yoogeun said, pointing to the living room. Jonghyun laughed and said, “That’s cute, Yooguen-ah.” “Alright, Hyung,” Key said, “Go on.” Jonfhyun gave him an amused look. “You can’t be serious, Kibumie.” “I’m actually very serious. Time-out for not listening. Go on.” Jonghyun chuckled and said, “I’m not going in the corner.” “Yes you are,” Onew said, looking at Jonghyun. “You can’t really be serious!,” Jonghyun protested. “You disobeyed,” Minho said, “How will Yoogeun learn that its wrong to disobey if we don’t show him.” “You can tell him its wrong to disobey,” Jonghyun said, leaning back in his chair. “Children at his age learn by watching,” Key said, “So we need to show him what happens if you don’t listen to us.” “But do I really have to go in the corner?,” Jonghyun whined. “Yes, you really do,” Onew told him, “Go on.” “Fine,” Jonghyun pouted, getting up, “How long do I have to stay in the corner?” “Until we tell you that you can come out,” Key said, pulling the pot of ramen off the stove. “Are you serious?,” Jonghyun asked, in disbelief, “I really have to stay there until you say so?” “Yep.” “This is unbelievable,” Jonghyun grumbled, going into the living room. After about a minute, Jonghyun called from the living room, “Can I come out of the corner now?” “No,” Onew told him. “But I’m borrred,” Jonghyun whined. “You’re not exactly supposed to be enjoying yourself, Hyung,” Minho said, feeding Yoogeun a spoonful of rice. “I’m borrrred!,” Jonghyun whined, kicking the wall with his foot, not hard but hard enough to make a Thump! sound. “Stop kicking the wall,” Onew said. Thump! “I mean it, Jonghyun,” Onew warned. It was quiet then…Thump! Onew quietly got up and went into the living room. “Where is Onew Appa going?,” Yoogeun asked. “Probably to go spank, Jonghyun Hyung,” Taemin snorted. “Can’t say he didn’t ask for it,” Minho said. Key just shrugged and started biting into his eggs. Sure enough they heard 5 hard smacks coming from the living room, each one interrupted with an “Ow!” from Jonghyun. Yoogeun giggled and said, “Silly Jongie Hyung.” Taemin smiled at Yoogeun. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad living with Yoogeun, Taemin thought, He is really cute and innocent. Yoogeun looked at Taemin and smiled…and then he said, “Mehrong.” Taemin made a face at him. But then again…
Chapter 2
Yoogeun is SO CUTE! Taeminnie is cute too...this is going to be a funny fic with those two constantly going at it...despite the 13 year age difference they still seem to be on the same mental age level! ^_^ Likey? Comment and let me know! ^_~

onew, humor, jonghyun, spanking, taemin, key, yoogeun, shinee, hairbrush, minho

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