Feb 21, 2006 19:12
Ok some of you may be looking at the title of this entry and thinking what??? back from where, but i just mean havent updated since December 19th!! Shock horror slap my wrist for being a naughty girl. So ho hum whats been going on in my life I hear you ask...well getting really really stressed with the ginger blimp found out loadsa stuff that shes said about me, like not having a personality, being not very nice and why would Paolo want to choose me over her, and yeah i can see how amazing she is compared to me err not!! I wouldn't mind so much but in the past few weeks shes been all like oh kirstie i love you so much and basically kissing my arse.
Daniels donig my head in but hey whats new, today had kids bridge after school, and twice we've given him a lift just twice its not like its a regular thing but as we're walking over the field, me and Paolo that is, determined to have a nice quiet chat with just each other, he comes running acorss the field and says 'Oh thanks for waiting'. Look i'm not being funny but it was taken as given that he was getting a lift of us and i know that hes going to the same place and everything but i mean come on it wouldn't hurt him to just ask would it? How he ever got a girlfriend is beyond me.
Ok random ranting over, apart from all these things i'm in a kinda tralalala mood and feeling very happy with life at the moment. Just wish people would be less irritating and that may very hypocritical but oh well.
must dash xxx