bored and alone....what else is new

Jun 15, 2005 11:43

so yes today i woke up at ten for a phone call my dad had woken me up with which of course was him telling me to do something with my lazy self...of course that something he wanted me to do was swimm and then go and talk to the music room about lessons again. hmmm so half awake i made my stand 'im not swimming' hes like ok then at least you made a i regret it: not yet but im sure i will. and my other answer was that i really didnt feel like walking down there alone and talking to them..well thats just cause its how i am so i was like yah ill talk to you later...and slept till one. got up painted my nails and came on the computer. and as i write STUPID PEOPLE HAVE A STUPID TENDANCY TO TORTURE ME ALL DAY ON THE STUPID COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!!sorry i get kinda worked up about that sometimes, which its actually quite pointless to put in here because it doesnt concern anyone who will actually read it assuming anyone does, well it actually really doesnt concern me anymore either so i guess i shouldnt be worried about it but thats never stopped me from worrying about anything before because i worry about every stupid little thing and yah this is public news so ill move on to something that is less well known. WARPED TOUR IS SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and if that doesnt make me excited i dont think anything can. im squirmin in my....well ok im not wearin boots or much less socks so i guess im just squirming, ew that sounds bad but you get it. soooo many good bands i can hardly believe it. the downside to this is that it is most certainly fathers day and that im not happy about....although i pretty much figure he'll go up and work on the MG which he does all the time anyway so maybe i wont miss much...even though i am making it up by gettin my drivers liscense, nevermind that i havent been behind the wheel in a couple months i still have the hours....that still need to be written down. but we'd be leaving on saturday, i would go with bree and marissa, ooh i cant wait. but saturday presents another problem too, my mothers birthday and shannons birthday happen to fall on that day. shannon wantws me here for her party and my mother is throwing a 'gigantic' PWP party at our house....which is completly stupid because she shouldnt even be in that stupid group anymore since she obviously has a partner and doesnt really have to play the part of the parent very much...cause im not there sooo yeah im not bitter at all. but she really really wants me there shes like 'its not often i ask you to attend something and i expect you to do it'....and of course i have no intentions or evne the slightest desire to go. that will be an interesting day...the see how many people can get mad at me before thesun goes down day. but i mean come on its warped tour...everyone knows i...well they know im psyco but they know i cant get enough music and havent had a decent concert in forever....well unless you count monday but thats a whole nother bag of potatoe chips. yah monday was the battle of the bands out here and so i dragged lauren along with me....much against her will i might add but she did agree....i have no idea why but i was gladto not be alone. so we went swimming at the FAC and that made me happy because it was the first time i had been swimming outside all year. but um stupid becky decided to wear her new swimsuit...which doesnt really have alot of the pool. but actually that wasnt too bad..that i could deal with. it was putting the shorts on without changing that gave me i coulnt wear the shorts. but then getting out there where all the people....ok all the boys...were was kinda interesting wearing a towel. haha thats when i figured out i had underwear with me....actually really dont know why but i did. so we went to the village hall which is the closest thing to there to have me change...of course lauren was happy cause we coulnt hear the music, and she loves the village hall(it was the old high school and is now also the police station). but so i changed my bottoms then pulled out my shorts and realized i could not wear them as they were...wet in certain areas. so we took to the task of attempting to dry my shorts. halfway through the task i get a 'woah look at your shirt' from lauren.i was like oooh no, two really big wet spots on my shirt....from the undrying top. haha oh great. well we finally got the shorts reasonably dry and walked out. in the elevator she made a big deal of my patting and attempting to dry saying' your going to get arrested for indecent exposure or indecent patting' seein as we we were in the police station. haha yah so we went and sat on my suprisingly dry towel on a hill....too close to a family but from a vantage point of being able to see everyone. and there was everyone there all sorts of people....pleanty with very nice elbows. most of them i had no clue who they were so it was good...cept for certain people who tend to look like certain other people that make me depressed.....which is not uncommon. but to say the least i was in heaven. the bands were good too for the most part, i really liked two of the five so id say taht was pretty good. and amid laurens complaining it finished at a reasonable hour. i figured wed walk home cause it was just starting to get dark and dad had said carol couldnt pick us up right away. so we started our trek back home, lauren, paul (her bro), and i. it was going good..lauren talking about the history of palatine and how this house was knoocked down for a liquor store and this house was knocked down for so and so....and paul was telling us how he prank called his spanish teacher twice during class and didnt get caught....and i was reminising from past concerts....when ALL OF A SUDDEN, as we were just about to get to st. theresa and turn down comfort st. this huge mob of kids.....well mostly guys but there were quite a few girls with them comes walking down from between the church and school and right onto comfort...where we were about to to turn. they mustve thought we were about there age...and im willing to bet we were but they were like 'COME TO THE PARTY!!!' and kept pushing it and i was like 'um noooo thanks' of couse i dint say that too loudly caus i mean thirty five kids.....most of them male......ooh not a good idea to speak. so they kept walking and i just knew they were making was at that point i knew i wasnt going to wear short shorts and racerbacktanks and swimsuits anytime soon too. but those comments bothered me even though i never really got to hear what they were one of them said something about ......breadwinner.... and i have know idea how someone of that....forget it i wont get into it. so we went straight on down to the next street to avoid them and i was pretty shaken up..why you ask...because i think deep down...maybe just a little...i actually wanted to join them. not that i ever would, but im mad for even wanting to. i donno carol picked us up the next street over and laruen got her stuff to stay over. i left on the 8 twenty four train in the morning meeting a very nice girl bound for harvard. bree picked me up and we got cookies and doughnuts and went back to her house and then left again a little while later for pictures...picures i wasnt quite ready for but i doubt id ever really be ready. then we did a little shopping kinda and went to a new purse store...oh and i was wearing a really flippy skirt wich was a really bad idea because we were walking into a store on the square and it blew up completely...luckily there was no one behind me...that i could see at least. we went back to her house and talked with her mom and marissa and then bree and i left for the train again....too kthe train home and walked from there. got honked at by some guy...wasnt very happy about that...started the spiral into a reallly bad mood. went and made my cookie monster t-shirt at laurens...or the front anyway. it has soo many cookies im tempted to eat it instead of wear it. went home and read and finished the second book of the day. yeah im up to five books read and im on my sixth now. earning my lovely t-shirt from the library...but at this rate im going to read like twenty before the end of next month. ah thats ok right yeah. so yeah then i was really upset cause i was thinking about things that make me upset and yeah...but that kinda passed and i finally got to sleep and yeah then i woke up at ten and theres the week so far....sorry i talked so much i really didnt mean to,oh well byebye.
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