So everything is just amazing
Im SO happy
And i feel so awesome
A little tired
And running on low sleep
But still smiling nonstop...=)
My peanut is home
And i love it
It is soo good to see his face around here again
And if you havent seen him
Or called to hang out with him
You suck, cause its isaac fucking brown!
We will probably have another party at the wall soon
So everybody has to come!!!
He leaves the 16th =(
My Hil ladys bday is the 16th also
So def. have to do something awesome for her
I am so happy
Im so glad things have turned around
And not been ruined in some way
I think my bad luck went away lol
Thank you for everything
Your amazing
And leave me not knowing what to say
Only smile =)
This is the sunset last night
It was beautiful
Its a blurry picture but the colors were soo pretty
I just have really "shakey hands" i guess
And cant take a good pic lol
And then....there is him =)
And all i can say about that, is thank you =)\
leave lovin