Comedy at its finest...

Dec 16, 2004 19:00 me trying to sing and dance.

I like to pretend it's comedic or else it's just pathetic.

Silly Maura, my acting teacher, makes all Acting Performance kids audition for the musical (Guys and Dolls!), even if they're not going to be in it. So there I was, singing, "If I Were a Bell" and dancing disastrously.

On another note, I love my friends dearly. They are more supportive and fantastic than any amount of chocolate. That was vague, but I don't feel like going into any more detail.

Though this winter break does not look as cheerful as the last (thinking back, I was actually headed to one of the worst decisions I've made), I bet it'll turn out OK. Only one more day of school left. One more in-class essay.

And, switching gears again, I may actually have a New Year's party to go to! (We don't have to sit around my house and be pathetic! Though I have to admit, last New Year's Eve was pretty fun...or at least interesting.) Whoo hoo!

AND! I almost forgot to tell you! My friend Sasha is having her birthday at the Tactile Dome. How super-cool is that? (Super-super-super cool.)

I probably won't post again before I go to visit my dad for Christmas, so goodbye, my dears. I hope you all are doing wonderfully. I am fine and perfectly OK.

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