Thanks so much for the gifts!!!

Apr 10, 2010 19:07

trishabooms sent me an adorable puppy for my birthday, and a bunny for Easter; elayna88 sent me a bunny for Easter and melagan sent me some birthday fireworks. I'm hoping the Hot Scot has some birthday fireworks for me later - heh, heh, heh.

I have been AWOL for awhile with nothing like a good reason, aside from the new job kicking my butt. I'm not doing anything that taxes my intellect much, but it is a rush, rush, rush environment and I have tended to crash after commuting home, and crash heavily on the weekend as well. Then, I've become involved with a couple of projects/groups that should help with my career transition, but that takes yet MORE energy and time.

I wish I had never given myself permission to NOT post "a podfic every week," which was my goal at the beginning of the year, and held true until this new job started. As Leo Baubauta, author of "Zen Habits" has posted, the death of a new habit is when you....stop doing the new habit!!

And that has held true for me. Not only with the delay in moving on with all the podfic projects that I need to finish/want to begin, but with my "6 Changes" resolve as well. I've had a lot of good ideas, about self-care, nutrition, creativity, but letting go of the habit has been the death (or medical coma) of all of them in the last month.

In spite of my resolve to change how I deal with stress (and there's been a lot of daily stress lately), I haven't changed anything. I am following the well-worn wagon ruts straight to eating a lot of sugar, hibernating in my bed reading, and not "doing" my new habits. Not "doing" much of anything, really.

I suppose it is understandable to follow the familiar patterns - that's what makes them patterns, after all.

So, I square my shoulders and resolve to steer the wagon out of those deep ruts, across the fresh green valley of new experiences, to a new place, where I am healthier and happier.

I appreciate y'all so much, even in my "hibernating" state - which I hope is now ending.

everyday life, 6changes

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