Banner Tutorial - featuring Brooke & Lucas from OTH

Sep 12, 2009 13:06

made with Photoshop CS3 Extended
can make with anything that has curves
comment if you use :]
tutorial requests? comment and i can make

Step One
find your caps. for the purpose of this banner, i'm going to be using this, this and this (from 3x22 of OTH, capped by OTH-CAPS)
Step Two
open your canvas.
i'm going to use a 500x200 canvas
photoshop settings

step three
i work better with one picture at a time so copy the first picture and paste it into the canvas

resize it until it has a height of 200 px (photoshop settings)

then move it to the left. (status check)

step four
copy the second picture and paste it into the canvas

resize it until its slightly bigger then the first picture (photoshop settings)

and then put it near the center (status check)

step four b
things look a bit off, so im going to move BOTH pictures a bit to the left

step five - BLENDING
i use the layer mask style of blending. it helps me insure that i wont mess up and if i do, then i can always redo it without causing harm to the graphic

if you are using photoshop
layer>>layer masks>>reveal all
then use the brush tool. use a basic brush such as this
and making sure your COLOR is BLACK, paint where you want to erase
you want to erase everything left of brooke
(status check)
if you MESS UP, change the color of the brush to WHITE and go over what you wanted to keep

if using paint shop pro
do the same thing - but if you are not familiar with layer masks, click here
(your status check should look very similar to the PS one)

step six
copy/paste the third picture to your canvas
resize it so its slightly bigger then your second picture(photoshop settings)
then move it to the right
(status check)

step seven -BLENDING

if you are using photoshop
layer>>layer masks>>reveal all
then use the brush tool. use a basic brush such as this
and making sure your COLOR is BLACK, paint where you want to erase
you want to erase everything left of brooke and lucas
(status check)
if you MESS UP, change the color of the brush to WHITE and go over what you wanted to keep

if using paint shop pro
do the same thing - but if you are not familiar with layer masks, click here
(your status check should look very similar to the PS one)

give yourself a pat on the back if you got this far!

step eight
curves layer
(layer>>new adjustment layer>>curves)
make a new curves layer with the with the settings 126,192
(curves layer)

now the image looks rather dark, doesnt it?
now we're going to use the layer mask again and erase the curves layer off their faces
(status check)

step nine
next im going to take this texture that i made a while ago, and set it to COLOR DODGE
(status check)

step ten
i'm going to duplicate that layer (the texture) and set it to LIGHTEN
(status check)

you're now ready to add any text that you'd like
here's what i did

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