Oh hai, here I am bringing up the rear!
Day 13
Set some goals for the coming year
I've gone with fannish/internet/writing goals rather than personal goals, because... I'm not touching that hot mess right now! :D
Complete Snowflake Challenge!!
Complete my
getyourwordsout pledge
Write my fics for the
collarcorner exchange and
agegapexchange Finish a couple of the fics I've had on hold for years, especially Field Trip
Work on my original fiction/novel ideas/plots
Be a good mod at the two communities I'm involved in
Update DW/LJ regularly - and remember to actually include personal things :D
Leave prompts, comments and general encouragement for everyone <3
Support communities and challenges
Participate in All The Things \o/
Day 14
Create your own challenge
This is a challenge for me and for anyone else who will find it useful: Be Brave. There are so many great fandom things I missed out on in the past because I thought my writing wouldn't be good enough, or my art wouldn't be up to scratch, or I would end up defaulting, or whoever I got assigned in an exchange would be disappointed with their gift. And even now that I'm more confident about joining in, there's still a lot I worry about. But no matter what you think of your own work/ideas/opinions, there's someone out there who wants to see it and share it with you, whether it's a huge fic or a bizarre prompt you'd like filled or a few random thoughts about how hot someone looked in the last episode of something. So be brave, share, participate, give back to fandom, introduce yourself to new people, be weird and passionate and whatever you want to be.
Day 15
Write a love letter to Fandom in general, to a particular fandom, to a trope, a relationship, a character, or to your flist/circle/followers
That's a big list of things to love on! I could try and be eloquent, but, I'm just gonna say: I LOVE YOU.
I love you, fandom, for being crazy and excitable and obsessed and unashamed about your passions. For being welcoming to new people and being just as pleased as me to find someone who shares your loves. For making me a better writer, for giving me a creative outlet, for supporting me in rough times and for making me feel never really truly alone.
I love you, f-list, those who've been with me for years and years, and those who I'm just getting to know. Thank you for putting up with me :)
This entry was originally posted at
https://cookiegirl.dreamwidth.org/83144.html. Please comment there using