Title: Unfurled
sherylynCharacters/Pairings: Neal, Peter, pre-Peter/Neal
Wordcount: 3058
Rating: PG-13
Contains: Mild gun shot wound; no spoilers
Summary: When Neal gets hurt protecting Peter, he knows he has to hide the wound or risk revealing his biggest secret.
Notes: Written for
wcpairings for
kanarek13. I tried to fit in a couple of your favourite things
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OMG, I'm officially the happiest bird on the planet, wheee \o/ Thank you sooooooooo much, it's perfect, beautiful ♥ Boys!!! Wings!!! Whump!!! *flails incoherently* LOL
I love it! *cuddles fic* Awwww, they are gonna be so beautiful together when they cuddle and Neal wraps his wings around Peter ♥ Love it that the wings are so sensitive and Peter's touches send ripples of pleasure through Neal's body - yes, yes, YESSSS *bounces* Squeee :D
THANK YOUUUU ♥ *happy dance*
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