Title: When I'm Sixty-Four
cookielauraCharacters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Word count: 100
Rating: PG, no warnings
Summary: Ianto has questions about the future
Notes: Written for
tw100, for the prompt Old Age. (Trying to cut this down to 100 words felt strangely counter-intuitive to my Get Your Words Out pledge!) Title from the Beatles song.
‘What about when my hair turns grey?’ Ianto asks. There’s a lazy, casual inflection in his voice, but they both know it’s false.
‘Of course,’ Jack says. ‘Grey’s distinguished.’ It’s the seventh perfect answer in a row.
‘When I need reading glasses?’
‘Definitely. You’ll look even smarter.’
‘What about when I start wittering on about the olden days? Will you find me sexy then?’
‘Ianto. You will always be sexy to me.’
Ianto smiles, satisfied, but Jack wishes he wouldn’t. Because Ianto is Torchwood, and the chances he’ll survive long enough for these things to matter are slim to none.