30382 / 75000 words. 41% done!
Monthly goal for May: 6,370
Actual word count for May: 7,127
Overall progress target: 31,027
Actual overall progress: 30,382
Days with writing: 10
Fics worked on:
My second WC RBB,
Nature of the Chase I was so excited to finish Nature of the Chase, partly because it had been stalled for quite a while, and partly because it turned out twice as long as anything I've written before. It's given me a bit of confidence to write longer fics!
For June, though, I am hoping to write some more fills for the prompts I got for my trope bingo card, and there are a couple of prompts at
collarcorner that have caught my eye too :)
After that I will have to start thinking of what to write for the White Collar Big Bang I've signed up for at
whitecollar-bb - exciting! And, as always, quite terrifying.