Feb 08, 2012 06:09

Today I am off to Manchester to see the show All New People, starring Zach Braff of Scrubs fame, and...


It's Gwen! On stage! (Sadly she will be Jack-less, but we can't have everything).

I was so excited when I heard about it, and I can't wait to see them both. The plot of the show sounds sort of interesting, though not something I'd usually go out of my way to see, but I couldn't resist the chance to see Eve doing some in-person acting, and I've always loved Scrubs and J.D. too, though I certainly never thought I'd be able to see Zach on stage.

Manchester's actually a bit of a trek for me, and we'll be going at rush hour, out of unfortunate necessity, so I'm expecting a four hour journey or so. But the tickets were a lot cheaper than the ones for the West End, where the show will be in a few weeks, and the transport will probably work out cheaper too, so it was really the only way I could justify going.

I have my fingers crossed that there might be some stage door meetage afterwards, especially seeing as I already know Eve is super fan-friendly, and Zach specifically retweeted someone who'd asked if they'd get to chat to him after the show, and replied saying yes. Not that I ever know what to say when I meet celebrities of course, but it will still be awesome to get autographs if they are happy to do so. And I've met Eve once before, and even though I couldn't form much resembling actual words, she was a total sweetheart.

I have prepared for the show by watching one of Zach's films last night, rented from Lovefilm. It was called The Ex.

It was not good.

On the plus side, though, Zach was kind of charming in it - basically J.D., but married.

I shall report back post-show!

babbling, character: gwen cooper, fandom: torchwood, squeeeee!, movies

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