A conversation I had with Ben... I find it insanely amusing. He editted the shit out of this when he posted it on his Xanga, so I'm posting the REAL version here for all to see!
BurninTheFloor87 (9:36:02 PM): Hey, how goes it?
DragonFlower16 (9:37:08 PM): heya
BurninTheFloor87 (9:40:45 PM): Okay... I got a response... but not really an answer...
DragonFlower16 (9:40:59 PM): Hrrrm?
BurninTheFloor87 (9:41:50 PM): No my dear... that's a question... not an answer.
BurninTheFloor87 (9:42:53 PM): ARGH... you are impossible
DragonFlower16 (9:43:21 PM): I am not.
DragonFlower16 (9:43:38 PM): Nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it.
BurninTheFloor87 (9:44:07 PM): YOU are
DragonFlower16 (9:44:16 PM): Am not.
BurninTheFloor87 (9:44:26 PM): Are to
DragonFlower16 (9:44:37 PM): Too.
BurninTheFloor87 (9:44:43 PM): Am too
DragonFlower16 (9:44:53 PM): You are not.
DragonFlower16 (9:44:56 PM): Nothing is impossible.
DragonFlower16 (9:45:02 PM): A spoon full of sugar makes it go down.
BurninTheFloor87 (9:45:18 PM): So does a spoonful of valium
DragonFlower16 (9:45:21 PM):
http://www.xgenstudios.com/play/castle/BurninTheFloor87 (9:46:47 PM): I've played that game... it sucks!
DragonFlower16 (9:47:41 PM): I like killing the people
BurninTheFloor87 (9:48:20 PM): You would... you are such a mass murder type person
DragonFlower16 (9:48:26 PM): I am.
BurninTheFloor87 (9:50:28 PM): I finished Hoot last night
DragonFlower16 (9:50:45 PM): Coolness.
BurninTheFloor87 (9:50:57 PM): Tonight... Gulliver!
DragonFlower16 (9:51:13 PM): That will be Sunday night for me.
BurninTheFloor87 (9:51:20 PM): HEHE... ya... it will
DragonFlower16 (9:51:36 PM): She said it was optional. I say... OKAY.
BurninTheFloor87 (9:52:16 PM): Hehe...
BurninTheFloor87 (9:52:27 PM): I hope we have a test the first day back!
DragonFlower16 (9:52:41 PM): She won't.
BurninTheFloor87 (9:52:43 PM): Just to show you the TRUE meaning of optional
DragonFlower16 (9:52:51 PM): She said it was up to us if we wanted to read it.
DragonFlower16 (9:53:18 PM): She said it would just be easier if we didn't have to read it when we were trying to do new stuff in all of our other classes.
DragonFlower16 (9:53:37 PM): EAT IT.
BurninTheFloor87 (9:53:50 PM): Eat what???
DragonFlower16 (9:53:58 PM): EAT IT.
BurninTheFloor87 (9:54:23 PM): Hey... don't get to gutter-minded here...
DragonFlower16 (9:54:36 PM): You're the one that's getting gutter-minded.
DragonFlower16 (9:54:44 PM): And you keep forgetting the extra o.
BurninTheFloor87 (9:55:05 PM): SOORY!
BurninTheFloor87 (9:55:14 PM): how about that extra O?
DragonFlower16 (9:56:05 PM): No. O.
BurninTheFloor87 (9:56:21 PM): YESO!
DragonFlower16 (9:56:50 PM): smartass
BurninTheFloor87 (9:57:07 PM): HAHA... smartypants
BurninTheFloor87 (9:57:46 PM): You're toO harsh on yourself...
DragonFlower16 (9:58:22 PM): I'm hardly harsh on myself. I was talking to you.
BurninTheFloor87 (9:58:59 PM): PSH. nah... liar
DragonFlower16 (9:59:57 PM): I don't lie. :)
BurninTheFloor87 (10:00:03 PM): PSH. lair
BurninTheFloor87 (10:00:09 PM): liar
DragonFlower16 (10:00:20 PM): Lair? I am not your lounging room.
BurninTheFloor87 (10:00:40 PM): I don't have a lounging room
DragonFlower16 (10:01:52 PM): That's what you called me... a lair.
DragonFlower16 (10:02:01 PM): Unless you called me the room where you keep your harem of hos.
BurninTheFloor87 (10:02:05 PM): nope... right up there it says liar
DragonFlower16 (10:02:06 PM): Which I would be frightened about.
DragonFlower16 (10:02:13 PM): BurninTheFloor87 (10:00:03 PM): PSH. lair
DragonFlower16 (10:02:19 PM): That's what you said
BurninTheFloor87 (10:02:34 PM): BurninTheFloor87 (9:59:06 PM): liar
and why he heck do you use time markings?
DragonFlower16 (10:03:25 PM): Why do you?
BurninTheFloor87 (10:03:30 PM): I DONT!
DragonFlower16 (10:03:34 PM): Oh.
DragonFlower16 (10:03:40 PM): Well, I do... Because I want to and because you SUCK.
DragonFlower16 (10:03:45 PM): I want to see how long you suck for.
DragonFlower16 (10:03:50 PM): Hahah> EWWWWWWWWw
BurninTheFloor87 (10:03:53 PM): Gutter minded!
BurninTheFloor87 (10:04:21 PM): That definately needs to be posted somewhere...
DragonFlower16 (10:04:56 PM): I'll copy this entire conversation and people will know exactly what time this took place.
DragonFlower16 (10:05:09 PM): ANd I'll edit it for you to make professions of love about certain people
BurninTheFloor87 (10:05:24 PM): I'll copy this conversatin and people won't give a shit what time it took place
BurninTheFloor87 (10:05:41 PM): DAMN, I cannot type tonight
DragonFlower16 (10:05:59 PM): ain't yall conversatin' over dere in dat dem hills?
BurninTheFloor87 (10:06:38 PM): Nah, I dun tink we am
DragonFlower16 (10:08:18 PM): YOU SMELL LIKE NASTY BABY WIPES
DragonFlower16 (10:11:07 PM): Masty?
DragonFlower16 (10:11:16 PM): Wow.. What a comeback.
BurninTheFloor87 (10:11:19 PM): UM...YA... DUH!
DragonFlower16 (10:11:21 PM): I am impressed.
DragonFlower16 (10:11:44 PM): You suck harder and harder everyday.
DragonFlower16 (10:11:52 PM): I mean... more and more, of course.
BurninTheFloor87 (10:12:22 PM): I suck what... might I ask?
DragonFlower16 (10:12:44 PM): Bubba!
BurninTheFloor87 (10:13:07 PM): EWWW... I might get some Mary Lou crap all over me
DragonFlower16 (10:13:23 PM): I didn't tell you what else happened to Mary Lou!
DragonFlower16 (10:14:21 PM): When I was working on Thursday, I took off my shoes when I was behind the counter. I droped one of the pin parts of the censors on the floor and stepped on it.. I basically had a half-inch nail go all the way into my toe. It's paaaainful.
DragonFlower16 (10:14:34 PM): I think I should just cut Mary Lou off. She's obviously too big because things keep happening to her.
BurninTheFloor87 (10:14:56 PM): Poor Mary Lou... if you cut her off... saver her in a jar or something!
DragonFlower16 (10:15:04 PM): I'll give her to you for Christmas.
BurninTheFloor87 (10:19:32 PM): YAY!
DragonFlower16 (10:19:36 PM): SMELLY
BurninTheFloor87 (10:20:14 PM): Do you work mañana?
DragonFlower16 (10:20:26 PM): 11-2
BurninTheFloor87 (10:20:47 PM): Okay... I think Chelsea and I are going to use our gift cards tomorrow so we might stop by
DragonFlower16 (10:21:37 PM): K
BurninTheFloor87 (10:22:58 PM): Wow... I am doing good for telling myself that I would read Gulliver tonight...
BurninTheFloor87 (10:23:13 PM): Haven't started and am chatting with 3 people
DragonFlower16 (10:23:30 PM): YOU SUCK
DragonFlower16 (10:23:42 PM): YOU THINK YOU'RE COOL BUT YOU'RE NOT
DragonFlower16 (10:23:48 PM): EAT IT SMELLY
BurninTheFloor87 (10:25:31 PM): YOU WISH YOU COULD BE THIS COOL!
DragonFlower16 (10:26:12 PM): YOU KNOW YOU WANT MARY LOU IN YOUR BED
BurninTheFloor87 (10:26:43 PM): I want to SUCK Mary Lou... and when I am done a blender sounds good with some ice and orange juice... hmm Mary Lou Stew I will call it
DragonFlower16 (10:28:24 PM): I'll give you a few Bubba shavings to top off your Mary Lou Stew and you'll LIKE IT
BurninTheFloor87 (10:29:00 PM): MMMMMmmmm
BurninTheFloor87 (10:31:10 PM): Well... I am going to head of to bed now.
DragonFlower16 (10:31:17 PM): Pussy
DragonFlower16 (10:31:22 PM): When does your thingy end on Thurs?
BurninTheFloor87 (10:31:32 PM): Dick... sometime around 11
DragonFlower16 (10:31:36 PM): K
DragonFlower16 (10:31:45 PM): Jessica has to work until close @ Sears, so she'll be late.
DragonFlower16 (10:31:54 PM): If it's even logical to come.. Sears closes really late.
BurninTheFloor87 (10:32:18 PM): What time?
DragonFlower16 (10:32:31 PM): Lemme ask
DragonFlower16 (10:33:58 PM): They close at 9, so she'll be at your house around tenish
BurninTheFloor87 (10:34:17 PM): HOT DAMN! THAT IS LATE.... geez... that's cool
DragonFlower16 (10:34:33 PM): You're retarded
BurninTheFloor87 (10:36:09 PM): you're,.... middle toe on your right foot is retarded
DragonFlower16 (10:36:18 PM): Bubba is NOT RETARDED.
DragonFlower16 (10:36:22 PM): He has far more brains than you do.
BurninTheFloor87 (10:36:45 PM): Maybe... but I can't say the same for Mary Lou who keeps getting smashed!
DragonFlower16 (10:36:57 PM): Mary Lou is a bitch who deserves to die.
BurninTheFloor87 (10:37:53 PM): YOU ARE A..... nevermind... just kidding geez.
BurninTheFloor87 (10:38:15 PM): See ya later
DragonFlower16 (10:38:23 PM): I hate you.
DragonFlower16 (10:38:34 PM): And I hate your left calf.
BurninTheFloor87 (10:38:57 PM): I'LL GO CRY MYSELF TO SLEEP NOW....
DragonFlower16 (10:39:01 PM): You're so dumb. Haha.
DragonFlower16 (10:39:20 PM): If you want my body and you think I'm sexy, come on baby let me knoooooooooooooow
BurninTheFloor87 (10:39:32 PM): whatever... see ya
DragonFlower16 (10:39:43 PM): Why are you going to bed so early?
DragonFlower16 (10:39:44 PM): Damn.
BurninTheFloor87 (10:39:49 PM): I AM GOING TO READ!
DragonFlower16 (10:39:59 PM): Oy.
BurninTheFloor87 (10:40:05 PM): vey... yayaya
DragonFlower16 (10:40:07 PM): Reading is for losers.
DragonFlower16 (10:40:19 PM): Like from the movie Princess Diaries 2
BurninTheFloor87 (10:40:22 PM): This coming from the one who has finished 2 books over break?
DragonFlower16 (10:40:25 PM): And he says Oy Vey with a french accent
DragonFlower16 (10:40:26 PM): too cute
DragonFlower16 (10:40:33 PM): Hey, I never said I was cool
BurninTheFloor87 (10:41:01 PM): No one needed to say it for a reason... I am leaving now! See you mañana!
DragonFlower16 (10:41:12 PM): Dumbbutt.
DragonFlower16 (10:41:16 PM): I will not speak to yer sorry bum.
DragonFlower16 (10:41:22 PM): Yer sorry loser reading bum@!
DragonFlower16 (10:41:24 PM): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BurninTheFloor87 (10:41:25 PM): WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LET ME LEAVE!!!
DragonFlower16 (10:41:42 PM): BECAUSE YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME
DragonFlower16 (10:42:05 PM): I AM PRONE TO EVIL THINGS IN THE NIGHT
DragonFlower16 (10:42:07 PM): *cackle*
BurninTheFloor87 (10:42:55 PM): Okay... well I am going to copy some of the ending of this conversation on to my xanga because it would be entertaining...
BurninTheFloor87 (10:43:06 PM): just the ending part though
DragonFlower16 (10:43:08 PM): I think I'll copy the whole thing
DragonFlower16 (10:43:12 PM): And paste it in my xanga
DragonFlower16 (10:43:16 PM): and edit it
DragonFlower16 (10:43:21 PM): and tell everyone WHOM YOU LOVE
DragonFlower16 (10:43:26 PM): ME! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
BurninTheFloor87 (10:43:35 PM): Ya... we'll go with that....
DragonFlower16 (10:44:06 PM): Does more than one donkey turn from 'ey' to 'eys' or 'ies'?
BurninTheFloor87 (10:44:19 PM): eys
DragonFlower16 (10:44:40 PM): Like I think monkies is monkies, but everyone else does it monkeys
DragonFlower16 (10:44:54 PM): Maybe they do monkies so they think they are privledged enough to spell it monkeys
BurninTheFloor87 (10:45:05 PM): That's because all of your smart went to Bubba and left you with nothing
DragonFlower16 (10:45:24 PM): Bubba will be president one day. I promise you.
BurninTheFloor87 (10:45:41 PM): Okay... well... this time I am leaving so adios!
DragonFlower16 (10:45:42 PM): Did Jess IM you yet?
BurninTheFloor87 (10:45:55 PM): No... I am trying to LEAVE!
DragonFlower16 (10:46:00 PM): Urg.
DragonFlower16 (10:46:04 PM): She wants to know who you invited.
BurninTheFloor87 (10:47:14 PM): Katie. You said she knows Tyler... René,René, Anna Erikson, Sarah Lindahl, Bryce Hamilton... I don't know anyone that she would know though...
DragonFlower16 (10:47:35 PM): You don't know that :)
BurninTheFloor87 (10:47:41 PM): EXACTLY!
DragonFlower16 (10:47:48 PM): Just tell me everyone
BurninTheFloor87 (10:47:52 PM): Just tell her that it is a surprise!
DragonFlower16 (10:48:00 PM): Maybe she won't show up then
BurninTheFloor87 (10:48:32 PM): I don't know who is showing up! I just invited a bunch of people
DragonFlower16 (10:48:33 PM): She apparently thinks Bryce is nice
BurninTheFloor87 (10:48:46 PM): Okay well there ya go!
DragonFlower16 (10:48:46 PM): Who did you INVITE
BurninTheFloor87 (10:49:41 PM): those people... Alysia boulton, Rachel Gordon and Nikki Ripentrop (who can't come), Caroline, Nina... I think that's it...
DragonFlower16 (10:51:17 PM): You're a poo in a tube
BurninTheFloor87 (10:51:37 PM): Fine... I'll be that then... but I am leaving now
DragonFlower16 (10:51:49 PM): Nooooooooooooo
DragonFlower16 (10:51:53 PM): Ben, I must speak with you.
DragonFlower16 (10:51:55 PM): It is urgent.
BurninTheFloor87 (10:52:02 PM): LAIR!
DragonFlower16 (10:52:06 PM): THere you go again!
DragonFlower16 (10:52:11 PM): I don't want to be your sleeping room!
BurninTheFloor87 (10:52:14 PM): (that was on purprose)
DragonFlower16 (10:52:21 PM): Purprose? Really?
BurninTheFloor87 (10:52:22 PM): DAMMIT!
DragonFlower16 (10:52:32 PM): Man, you suck.
DragonFlower16 (10:52:36 PM): Oh wait.. Hahah!
BurninTheFloor87 (10:52:49 PM): What "must you speak to me about?"
DragonFlower16 (10:53:34 PM): I have to go pee, but I don't want to get up. I want some water too, but I don't want to get up. You should come over and get me some water. :)
BurninTheFloor87 (10:53:51 PM): OKAY, but I have to get off of AIM first... here I come!
DragonFlower16 (10:54:08 PM): Fine. Leave me. I never liked you anyway.
DragonFlower16 (10:54:19 PM): I know that your true feelings were with Angela.
BurninTheFloor87 (10:54:38 PM): . . . . ummm. . . . I'm leaving now....
DragonFlower16 (10:55:02 PM): Hehe.
DragonFlower16 (10:55:04 PM): Fine.
DragonFlower16 (10:55:06 PM): Good bye.
DragonFlower16 (10:55:09 PM): I'm keeping this conversation.
BurninTheFloor87 (10:55:15 PM): SAME HERE!
DragonFlower16 (10:56:24 PM): FINE