Mh, I don't understand why people think Misano is a great track; come on, it's awful. >_> A kind of Mugello or Montmelò squashed by a steamroller. Bleah.
By the way.
125: It's embarassing to be Italian when you have a home rider like Iannone, seriously. I always knew he was a son of a beeetch with nothing inside his head, but what he did and even more what he SAID was too much yesterday. Maybe he saw Materazzi (another big idiot) on the grid and wanted to imitate Zidane to make a good impression on him. Oh, fuck. Poor Pol. =_= I think I should be happy for Julito, Mr&MrsSmith and Nico, so yay.
250: BarbieBoy had a good race after centuries, and without knocking anyone out; soon the world will explode. Nice battle between him and Mattia, who was really scared, IMHO. XD And the one among Alvaro, Di Meglio and Hiroshi was even nicer. But, there's one thing I wanna know: is Thomas alive or is he lost somewhere in the mountains milking cows with Heidi? SADNESS!!!!111!!!
MotoGp: Boooooooooring!!! Except for de Angelis doing Karate Kid and Nicky trying to kill him; next time do it, Nicky, it's better for everyone. And saboteur!Dani that tries not to be overtaken by Lorenzo even if he's riding 3542653652 times slower than him. And Toni that came out from nowhere. And Dovi that likes fourth place very much. And, obviously, Dani that hitchhiked, The Thing that made my day (cazzo Nicky, quando servi non ci sei mai!). :°D
Me: Dove cavolo è la moto di Pedrosa?
Meda: Non so se la regia ci fa rivedere le immagini di Pedrosa che è rimasto a secco di benzina nel giro d'onore e si è messo a fare l'autostop.
Me: ...pppppppppppppppppfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff, vediamo cos'ha combinato di imbarazzante stavolta.
*parte il replay*
Meda: Si è proprio messo a fare l'autostop, con fuori il dito. Nessuno si ferma. Barbone, vai a lavorare!
Mamma: Tira fuori la coscia e vedrai che ti tiran su subito!
Me: Mamma!?!? (nb: io e mia madre non ci rivolgevamo la parola da tre giorni, AHAH. AH. AHAHAH.)
Meda: Oh ecco, si è fermato Elias e se lo carica su.
Fratello: Guardali, Gianni e Pinotto.
*arriva il padre* Papà: ...cosa stanno facendo?
Fratello: E' Pedrosa, fa cose imbarazzanti, cosa vuoi che faccia?
No ma io sto male, mi sono riscaricata la gara solo per vedere quel pezzo. Ha battuto anche la scena delle ustioni sulle mani che s'è fatto venerdì. XDDDDDDDD
Err... I have to make the icons for
motors20in20 contest so I'll just fly away (?).
Next target: kill Ben Spies. *smiles*
Gianni & Pinotto, you made my day, thank you. XD