May 16, 2007 23:02
NO MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMES! se van a wishar literal -or maybe not- con este noticion! I have officially become, not only part of ZARA but also PLANTILLA! Which is AWESOME cause i get comissions and a very nice uniform! ujule tengo uniforme y es super chingon, y tiene un blazer incluido!
Aja, para esos que no saben que es plantilla son los tipillos esos super guapetones (AHAM, ME!) que tienen camisa de rayas y blazer, y pantalon y zapatos bonitos y todo :) -may be this is only exciting for me but i dont give a fuck so oksalebye-
Hoy vi La Sirenita II, no se por que, por que apesta, es mala y apesta, y ok la Sirenita Jr. (Melanie or Melody or whatever) its like, Ariel con el pelo del principe Eric, and I bet she's got his penis too -Oh Sirenita Jr what a huge donk- and thats about the time Paris Hilton falls for her.
BTW mañana es mi dia libre asi que llamenme y hagamos el amor toda la noche!
Aja, solo en la mañanita no por que es el cumpleaños de madre y va a haber desayuno, you are welcome, but will be awkward, cause there will be family, and family can intimidate people.
And I was watching a movie about retards, cause you know... they are people too.