has the whole world gone INSANE??! .....nah, just me :)

Dec 01, 2003 00:28

phew.... finally finished part one of this crudola style of mine... I know some bits are still a bit crap (e.g. sudden breaks in the header image to rest of journal, big gap on the side etc., but I shall fix this by adding a stripey background, and somehow making the header semi transparent by fiddling with the alpha filter... if I can find an override for it. *sigh*

Haven't been posting because of the extreme busyness - for example, I'm taking me driving test on wednesday and have been studying like a loon on loon tablets... hopefully won't fall on my face as badly as I probably will. arse :P

Also, been hanging out with people recently too... Lils, Lozza and I went to the city today for some retail therapy, which ended up being more like us running rampant around a record store looking for stupidly named bands and albums. hehehe... interesting. Also, the music stores here have some seriously good anime stuff floating around - picked up a DVD of Hellsing whilst we were out, and I plan to watch it...er... later :P

Called Andrew on Friday, which was cool - it was nice to be able to catch up on... stuff - even though he managed to turn it into a full on gloat fest about the rugby... bloody pom :P

*yawn* I've picked up a really weird habit over the past few weeks... I wake up at around 3 every morning... and have breakfast whilst surfing the net for a bit. Then I go back to sleep for a while longer - WTF? Argh, it is rather annoying, but can't be bothered to change this - hehehe, I'm a girl who's easily set in her ways. :)

Tommorow am off to play pool with Christine (my honkie friend), and she says she's gonna introduce me to some chinese guys... why the HELL is everyone trying to set me up?! WHY?! *cries* Do I look that desperate??

and before I go, some shoutouts -

Daz : I <3 yooooooou!
Angelleftwing : hehehe I know what to get you now for Christmas... be afraid, BE VERY AFRAID!!! :P
Ron (aka sojiros_kotetsu) : How's it going? Sorry I haven't been commenting in yer LJ, but I do still read it! *hugs*
Phoenixdreaming : *ahem*.... HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! *

and hugs to you all!!!! *HUGHUGHUGHUGHUGHUG*

....*ahem* and props, of course :)
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