(no subject)

Mar 03, 2005 19:44

my parents are gone! yay! but i have to go to colleens house which wouldnt be so bad if i could just stay here....but i think that the reason they are so, ummmm, unsure about me staying by myself, is because Charlie is just down the street. and that we were hanging out here until about 2 am on saturday/sunday......

but its all good, cause i get to hang out with colleen, well, from about 9 something to 7 something...because i have to feed the dogs. I have to go across town, feed the dogs and put them out, then come back from school and feed them and let them in and back out before they go to bed. ahhhhh, why wouldnt they let brittany do it? :( that would have been........wonderful. i would be able to sleep much much more. well, not much much more, but i would have been happier!
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